This is the Message Centre for dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

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Post 1

Researcher 228048

Hi, there researcher 202180, I am sort of new around here. I have not read all the information on h2g2 can you provide some info on what really goes on here. Do people learn to build their own web pages around here. and what about the graphics on their front page, some some assit with this. your introduction was interesting.

please reply

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Post 2

dancinglady (Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships we make along the way)

Hello researcher 228048, thank you for your message. First of all you ought to think up a name, I'm dancinglady by the way. It took me a while to get my user page done and if you want to brighten yours up I suggest you go to A690518 . There you will find some good explanations about how to use graphics, coloured fonts etc.
If you want any further help just let me know. smiley - smiley


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