This is the Message Centre for Blizita
Rubyrae Started conversation Feb 27, 2003
yeah, yeah....i now i understand, thanks to a little help. (wink, wink)
but i get what ya mean...i believe in God, i am a Christian and i am Born Again.
Blizita Posted Feb 27, 2003
I see that you've found the hot religious argument.
A word of warning, most of the people there don't really listen to what other people say, most are just sounding off.
Anyway, another interesting thing that you'll start to notice is that over half of the people here are not from the US.
Gotta Run
(metaphorically this time, as I am still at school)
Rubyrae Posted Feb 28, 2003
yeah i got the impression that most seem to not be from the US....but none the less neither are you. Mars right? Me Venus.
how was the run? and literly i ran today 1 mi....i messed my knee usually i go atleast 2. For now...Me
Blizita Posted Mar 2, 2003
Oh my, I just got back from the one of the hardest 4n6 tournys of the year, Silver Lake. It was bloody. I didn't place at all, I did learn what I need to do to place at CFL and that's a good thing.
What tourny did you go to this weekend. Are you going to be at riley co or at belleville, I think that I'm going to one of those, I approaching the KSHAA 8 tourny limint and I still have to save one for CFL.
I think I'm going to go to sleep now. I'm beat, it was an overnighter because we had LD last night.
Rubyrae Posted Mar 3, 2003
well i wish i could say congrats but i guess it really must have been tough. how much of an entry did you have since i seen some of them since i went to concordia. you would have done well there. there were 26 entries in oratory. i almost broke....i tied with a kid but they had better quality points. i did how ever watch finals...half of them i wasnt too impressed with. ...but congrats on your "long" run.
talk later...Ruby
Rubyrae Posted Mar 5, 2003
no school....yeah! track practice has started already....just not to day or when we have substate games or hopefully state games. for now...
Blizita Posted Mar 5, 2003
We got out of school early yesterday, but we only had a late start today. grr....
Track doesn't start till monday for us. What events are you doing in track?
Rubyrae Posted Mar 6, 2003 you were praying for a snow day...they are nice.
i throw shot put, discus, and javlin. this year i will also be doing either the 1600 or 3200, based on avaliblity for each met. not that i like to run...but for a sort of "prep". what do you do in track?... distance? for now...
Rubyrae Posted Mar 16, 2003
so long no ya been? no shot put for me this year, my knee has issues. school is great....spring break. just wanted to say hi and see you you were doing.
For now...Rubyrae
Blizita Posted Mar 16, 2003
I've had the CFL quailfier to prepare for, Haven't had much time for much anything else.
By the way, I'm going on a weeklong vacation to FLA so I'll be a week. By my count, I havn't been out of the CO, KS, NE, MO area in 10 years.
Rubyrae Posted Mar 23, 2003
wow....such deprivation huh? i can acutally say i have....went to new orleans this last summmer. let me know how your trip goes.
as for CFL and school is neither. i asked our coach and he said none. why?...he dosent beleive in them and that we need an association. so yeah.
anyways gotta run....not literally yet. and unfortunatly school starts back up tomorrow so talk to ya later...Rubyrae
Blizita Posted Mar 23, 2003
I'm back from Fla.
It was up in the air for a little while, we were worried that some planes would be grounded for a bit, because of the increased threat of terrorism and such. It was good to be able to watch CNN from our "home" appartment thing on the beach. Glad I'm home now because things look to be intensifying rapidly.
Anyway, I had fun, got scorched a bit. And we say grass the was actually green all the way through. Not just green patches but green all of the way.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Rubyrae (Feb 27, 2003)
- 2: Blizita (Feb 27, 2003)
- 3: Rubyrae (Feb 28, 2003)
- 4: Blizita (Mar 2, 2003)
- 5: Blizita (Mar 2, 2003)
- 6: Rubyrae (Mar 3, 2003)
- 7: Rubyrae (Mar 5, 2003)
- 8: Blizita (Mar 5, 2003)
- 9: Rubyrae (Mar 6, 2003)
- 10: Rubyrae (Mar 16, 2003)
- 11: Blizita (Mar 16, 2003)
- 12: Rubyrae (Mar 23, 2003)
- 13: Blizita (Mar 23, 2003)
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