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25 Edited Entries
Geggs Started conversation Jun 11, 2013
With Angry Birds - A87793924 - being published on the Front Page this evening, I do believe I've racked up 25 Edited or Approved Entries. And it's only taken me the best part of 11 years.
I do wonder what impression would be formed by those 25 Entries, though. The subjects look kinda random to me, but is there any themes that can be picked out?
25 Edited Entries
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Jun 12, 2013
25 Edited Guide Entries!!
Well done, Geggs!
At the rate I'm going, I will be drawing a pension first!
lil xx
25 Edited Entries
Geggs Posted Jun 12, 2013
Thanks lil! You'll get there, I'm sure.
It's a big gap before I get the next badge, though.
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25 Edited Entries
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