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A3662561: Robert A Taft - Ohioan US Senator (subbed)

Post 1


Hi Jodan,

I've been subbing this entry of yours, and have it about done now. I just need to give it a quick final once-over and add extra links.

It won't change much though, so if you want to have a read and let me know whether it's OK before I send it back to the Editors, please do!


smiley - smiley Lbclaire

A3662561: Robert A Taft - Ohioan US Senator (subbed)

Post 2


Sorry to stick you with such a boring entry. smiley - smiley I trust you.
I don't care about the words too much. Change them any way you choose. smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

A3662561: Robert A Taft - Ohioan US Senator (subbed)

Post 3


Not that boring at all, actually (especially since politics is NOT my subject!).

Thanks for coming back to me so quickly - look forward to seeing this on the Front Page soon!

smiley - smiley Lbclaire

A3662561: Robert A Taft - Ohioan US Senator (subbed)

Post 4


Really? I kind of bored myself writing it, and Ohio and politics are my subject. smiley - biggrin

smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

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A3662561: Robert A Taft - Ohioan US Senator (subbed)

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