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Hey fellow front-pager, Spiff calling!

Post 1


er... Hey Jodan, howyadoin?! smiley - ok

Hope you're well.

Just thought I'd drop you a line on this momentous day when we share the immense glory and kudos of front page fame! smiley - cheers

I seem to be in the midst of something of a return to the fold - I may even try to get back to my old habit of reading and commenting on the AWW, after having deserted it just as it started to pick up in those days when the UG was just a twinkle in a few researchers' Post buttons.

Anyway, much hard work from you and others seems to be keeping the home fires burning. I just thought, as I said, the moment was propitious for a little mutual back-slapping. smiley - ok

Hope I'll seey'around a little more often in the coming months

Hey fellow front-pager, Spiff calling!

Post 2


Good to see that the joy of the Front Page is still in you smiley - smiley
Nowadays, I'm lucky if I can squeeze more joy than criticism at the blurb smiley - winkeye

We've all been encouraged by the recent resurgence in UG activity. It would be great to see the Father of the UG back in the AWW. We've also got some new ideas that're worth a few volleys of debate. smiley - borg

smiley - blacksheep

Hey fellow front-pager, Spiff calling!

Post 3


Hey Spiff.
Seen this - A4053412?

It has the potential to do some real good. Take a look and join in the discussions if you like what you see (or if you dislike it, but then again, in that case I've always liked the strong, silent type smiley - winkeye)

smiley - blacksheep

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Hey fellow front-pager, Spiff calling!

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