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Hootoo howdey

Post 1


Hi Jodan,

Hows the stresses and strains of life? Hope the tea (or coffee if thats what floats your boat) at is good where you are, that the birds' digestive systems are at work far away from your head and that the towels are of suitable quality.

smiley - biggrin

smiley - earth

Hootoo howdey

Post 2


smiley - laugh
Life's not too bad right now, old chum-bucket. RL is the best it's been in a long time and the UG is healthier than it's been in a while. The stresses and 'conveniences' of modern life sometimes makes me wish I were Amish... but then I think the beard would be itchy and stop complaining.

Plus, the towels would probably be some coarse wool or cold fabric with the texture of an abrasive cracker, rather than the rather comfortable cotton ones I find myself in each morning. smiley - smiley

For now, the tea can only be iced tea or the cheap stuff. The only hot tea I've ever had was at some sort of a meeting of old ladies involving my grandmother when I was very young. I've come to realize that they all must have known how putrid it tasted, and only drank it for the dignity attached with the drink.

As for coffee floating my boat, I am forced to wonder what you must be drinking to consider a caffienated lake in Kentucky... smiley - biggrin

And the birds... well, they fly high my friend. And when they get the itch, they take pity on me and steer starboard or port... assuming one of them is not into a passing commercial jet, in which case I'm happy to take a shower to save a bird's life.

Now, Terran (or Verc. I'll call you Terran, but I think of you as Verc. Or sometimes James, but only because I know a James with the middle name of Vercingetorix smiley - winkeye) I should like to pose similar questions to you, including yours and in addition the following...

Why haven't we seen you around the UG? Too busy? Now would be a good time to get back into it. We're having a slight resurgence. Call it a New Years Resolution. KJ came back, Spynxxx is making proposals (read the WHOLE P&S backlog. The whole thing.) perhaps briefly, and the eds are making all sorts of resolutions.

And finally, seen any good movies lately?

smiley - blacksheep
(ignoring the blatant and untruthful attack on the quality of my bread)

Hootoo howdey

Post 3


I knew someone called Hamish once... OH you mean Amish. Mmm... beards...

Where was I? Well I've not had much of a h2g2/UG life recently because I've not had much of a life recently. My teaching course has taken over my life - still I'm trying not to get too stressed.

I do want to get more involved but I'm kind of trying to stay sane - which is not an easy job on a good day. But anyway thats my excuse for my extended absence.

The birds generally seem to keep their distance, as they have trouble keeping up with my car (which has never seen so much use in all its "life" during the last six months). The Towels are of moderate quality, and are far from hoopy... they are only just good enough to keep me dry, so I don't know what I'd do if I ever /Really/ needed it.

Movies... Hmm... the last film I saw was I, Robot on DVD over Christmas. I can't remember the last film I saw at the cinema. Theres some interesting films coming out this year though with the Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy finally coming out, and the last Star Wars movie (the one where he becomes Darth Vader, that would actually make an interesting "Friends" episode title smiley - winkeye).

Anyway, going to have to get on with some RL stuff, but I do intend to be back.

And about the bread - to that I say wibble. And I think we all know what that means.

The One Where Jodan replies

Post 4


I knew a pig named Hamish once. Mmm... bacon.

I don't blame you. It's always nice to have more people around though smiley - smiley Especially experienced ones.

smiley - blacksheep

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