This is the Message Centre for J

Hello stranger

Post 1


Hello Jodan, hope all is well with you. I also left a message on the GW site. I guess they don't know what they are missing....smiley - smiley

Flame smiley - magic

Hello stranger

Post 2


Hi there smiley - smiley Haven't heard from you in a while. That might be more because of my slacking off in the UG than anything else though.

smiley - biggrin Yup.
I was lurking in your thread with jwf and went to your page to find the thread, so I felt inspired and left a message of my own.

GW and h2g2 are very different - they take themselves and their works more seriously there. I don't know if the AWW is active enough for some of their tastes. I was appealing them to help make it active enough for the tastes of some of the serious writers.

Haven't had the chance to see your latest yet... what with the holidays and RL and PR. However, the AWW is always enriched with the presence of new material, so keep on trucking smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

Hello stranger

Post 3


Well you haven't been the only one slacking off..... Still, I hope my latest entry makes up for it all.

BTW, saw your photograph in the album. smiley - smiley Not bad matey, not bad!

Flame smiley - magic

Hello stranger

Post 4


Eh? Photograph? Album?

Can you point me in that direction?

smiley - blacksheep

Hello stranger

Post 5


At the moment no, lol. Maybe it wasn't you, maybe somebody else. Forgive me, I'm a blonde!

Hello stranger

Post 6


BTW, are my threads with JWF really worth the following?

Hello stranger

Post 7


Hi Jodan, There seems to be a lot of 'argy bargy' going on over at GW concerning any possible merger with h2g2. smiley - erm It will be interesting to see how it all pans out don't you think?

FOGGY smiley - magic

Hello stranger

Post 8


Yes, it will smiley - smiley. I'm impressed with the GW'ers I've dealt with.
Normally, I wouldn't work on this sort of thing because I'm very busy and I don't carry as much influence as I used to, but I'm rather surprised this hasn't been discussed smiley - erm

Jimster warned us today that we might be sticking our noses where they don't belong, but I wouldn't worry too much about the italic warnings. As much as anything else, they just don't want us to appear to be preying on the loss of a site. He also warned us that as h2g2 isn't a fiction site, so we should make sure that any GW'ers traversing across the border shouldn't expect a fiction site like the one they had in Get Writing.

Of course, there's wiggle room there in that h2g2 has developed into the EG and Community, with the Community encompassing the creative writing corner.

(sorry, went on a bit of a rant there, I just need to get my thoughts sorted before I make any replies. smiley - winkeye Thanks)

smiley - blacksheep

Hello stranger

Post 9


Well, being an active member of the creative corner I've always been more than happy. smiley - smiley Should by any chance that corner become busier, and need more volunteers over the next few months, I'd be prepared to offer my services to help out.

Anyway, isn't it better to stick your nose somewhere it isn't wanted -rather than look down it? smiley - winkeye

Foggy smiley - magic

Hello stranger

Post 10


I think it would definitely be good to get more volunteers. I think we need to make it clear that there's an unofficial system where creative writing won't be driven by the front page, but if anyone wants to take advantage of that, then they should be reminded it's volunteer-driven.

smiley - smiley Hmm, very true.

smiley - blacksheep

Hello stranger

Post 11


Hello there! smiley - smiley It's way past my betime but I started on this story this afternoon and just had to get it finished. I might need to adjust it here and there but it's almost there. A3425393.

Merry Christmas Jodan!

Pauline smiley - magic

Hello stranger

Post 12


Hello! smiley - smiley Thanks for reading The Witness. I realize that some people might feel uncomfortable reading such a story. Even so, I'd like to think that perhaps it 'disturbed' you more than 'disgusted' you. But whatever, I'm glad it provoked a strong reaction. smiley - smiley


Foggy smiley - magic

Hello stranger

Post 13


You say smiley - tomato I say smiley - tomato... smiley - smiley

The fact that it could provoke any reaction, especially strong, is always good.

smiley - blacksheep

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