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Happy Christmas from Anhaga

Post 1


The title kind of says it all.smiley - biggrin

Happy Christmas from Anhaga

Post 2


Merry Christmas, Anhaga smiley - smiley Gosh, it's almost here isn't it?

Have you made any progress on your entry, by the way?

smiley - blacksheep

Happy Christmas from Anhaga

Post 3


I've made no progress at all with anything in my life.smiley - wah

Next year I'm converting to Islam right after Ramadan!

Happy Christmas from Anhaga

Post 4


The holidays do tend to take all of your time up, don't they?

Good idea smiley - ok Not as much commercialism.

smiley - blacksheep

Happy Christmas from Anhaga

Post 5


By the way, it looks like Santa is in Canada right now - - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

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