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Please don't get up. Can I sit here? Thank you.

Post 1


Hi there Jodan,

It seems like ages (maybe even a full yonk, at least half of one) since I've had a non serious casual chat with you.

Noticed your going for the minimalist look for your name. I like it, its very... very, well I don't what it is, but its very that, whatever *that* happens to be on any given Friday (with Friday being a constant, and Saturday being a figment of my over-active imagination).

What am I going on about?

Anyway, hows things? smiley - biggrin

Please don't get up. Can I sit here? Thank you.

Post 2


Crazy guy...

Things is good for the most part. smiley - biggrin Very busy busy.

Thanksgiving over on this side of the pond, which is nice, but requires a lot of travelling. Us Yanks (Or is it Yonks? I know I'm at least a Yank-and-a-half. Carry on) are having a rather nice time stuffing ourselves anyway.

smiley - blacksheep

Please don't get up. Can I sit here? Thank you.

Post 3


So do you get two loads of Turkey over there?

I mean which gets the greater emphasis Christmas or Thanks giving? smiley - erm

A yonk by my reconing is a unit of time, not quite as long as a piece of string but is faster than you can neuter a snail. I think I'm probably going too far now... smiley - winkeye

Please don't get up. Can I sit here? Thank you.

Post 4


Christmas definitely gets more emphasis. Thanksgiving is really just a holiday to start the Christmas shopping season smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

Please don't get up. Can I sit here? Thank you.

Post 5


Over here Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier. When I was a child I remember not really thinking about Christmas until about December, now they're sticking up trees and lights in the Town centres in October!

Before we know it Christmas will start in July and end in March smiley - yikes. Not bad for a Druid festival, which by my own admission Christianity hijacked smiley - winkeye

Please don't get up. Can I sit here? Thank you.

Post 6


Yeah. The Christmas shopping season now starts at halloween. I hate it when people don't shop in December (and in some cases with me - January smiley - winkeye)

Oh, and about what you said earlier about a minimalistic nickname, I just couldn't think of anything for a while. Now I've got in one of my favorite Ted Turner quotes smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

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