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Hi. How are you then?

Post 1


i'm great, but as it is early in the day i am a bit groggy and disconnected (damn my cold medicine, my head feels like a balloon!). so, just trying to find people on the guide that live anywhere near me! i've found someone in kent and now i have found you! i'm from lakewood, if you've heard of it. i've found lately that no body knows about this quaint little city. not even the population specs, though i'm sure no body really cares about it. so anyways, are you in school? and have you any pets? how are you today?!
smiley - zenchristy

Hi. How are you then?

Post 2


I'm great smiley - smiley

Lakewood? What state?

smiley - blacksheep

Hi. How are you then?

Post 3


smiley - zen

Hi. How are you then?

Post 4


smiley - smiley Very neato

I'm glad to see a fellow Ohioan here. I'm afraid I don't know where Lakewood is, but you're in good company. No one knows where Oakwood is either. smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

Hi. How are you then?

Post 5


yeah, i was trying to figure that out. so, how long have you lived in ohio? i've been here since i was three, though i'd visited long before that!
smiley - zencw

Hi. How are you then?

Post 6


My whole life. Not a terribly exciting place, but a nice place to live, I think

smiley - blacksheep

Hi. How are you then?

Post 7


yeah, up until march i lived in fairview park. there was nothing to do except the same old stuff. i expect that where ever one lives must be boring for them as they've done it all before. i used to think some place new would be more exciting. i guess it depends on the people you are with. school is fun because i have friends and i've only been there for a year, so it is new and exciting. though when i come to maryland (like now for instance) i don't have any friends and life is pretty dull. especially because i don't know where anything is around here and i have no aspirations to get my license.
smiley - zen

Hi. How are you then?

Post 8


Maryland's a nice place, for the most part. I go up there occasionally. Which part is it?

smiley - blacksheep

Hi. How are you then?

Post 9


silver spring. it's just outside of dc.
smiley - zen

Hi. How are you then?

Post 10


i work with my dad in downtown silver spring. he lives in a huge apartment complex that has very little people my age. he belongs to a pool in a nicer part of town--the part with the houses and less hills--but there are very few people there that i talk to. i've been going there for a month (because that is how long i visit my dad for) every summer since my dad joined and i still don't know anybody my agesmiley - blush! i used to go with my sisters and therefore didn't need to make friends, but one is married and the other has a baby, and they don't come to maryland anymore. so, i'm just working to pay for college books and other expenses.
what part of maryland do you visit?
smiley - zen

Hi. How are you then?

Post 11


Baltimore most often smiley - smiley

Hi. How are you then?

Post 12


do you have relatives there or does something else call you there?

Hi. How are you then?

Post 13


Nope smiley - smiley Some family friends.

smiley - blacksheep

Hi. How are you then?

Post 14


that's cool. i spent a week in NC two summers ago with my sister's husband's (actually i don't think they were married yet when we went) aunt and uncle. it was great except that i got strep throat the day we left and once we got to the beach we had to go directly to a hospital. but, all in good fun! have you been to ocean city, md? i think that's the name of it.

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