This is the Message Centre for J

missing miners

Post 1


Hi Jodan, Sorry to pester you at home, I would have emailed the mailing list but I only have hootoo in work and no email at the mo.

Me and lizardy won't be around for a while, lizardy's brother has been quite badly beaten and is in intensive care. Sorry to skip out like his when we're so new. We'll make up for it when we get back!

smiley - orangefish

missing miners

Post 2


No problem at all. I always like visitors.

smiley - cuddle That sounds horrible. You can both take any time you need. May I ask how long you'll be gone so I can adjust my schedules? smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

missing miners

Post 3


I would think maybe a week or two, but it could be more or less, depending on how things go. Everything is incredibly uncertain at the moment.

Thanks for the smiley - hug If you don't mind I'll pass it on to lizardy, I think she needs it more than I do. smiley - cry

smiley - orangefish

missing miners

Post 4


I emailed the group by the way smiley - smiley

A week or two won't be a problem at all. Real Life is much more important than h2g2, so take all the time you need, of course.

Pass it on.

smiley - blacksheep

missing miners

Post 5


Thanks! Lizardy will appreciate it, as do I.

smiley - orangefish

missing miners

Post 6


No problem smiley - smiley

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