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Just in the area..

Post 1

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

I was just cruisin' past your place and I noticed that the lights were on. I am in a hurry so I thought I'd just leave a note at the gate saying G'day! So.......G'DAY!!

(it's amazing the speed you can get from a wheelbarrow with a lawnmower engine!)

Just in the area..

Post 2



The lights were on?

Just in the area..

Post 3

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Yes inddedy! Did you leave them on accidentally or did I disturb a theif after your secret, international spy documents!?

(MI5 are looking into it!)

Just in the area..

Post 4


Good guess! But I keep my secret spy documents buried in the back yard, so rest assured that the marauders didn't suceed!

smiley - blacksheep

Just in the area..

Post 5

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

But while you were distracted, they have bugged your back yard. Do you now have a 8 ft concrete water fountain resembling Da Vinci's David in your garden, if so, leave everything and get to the safe house, they've found you!!!

(I also fell for the bugged statue!)

Just in the area..

Post 6


Ah, but the documents are deep and the marauders are dumb

smiley - blacksheep

Just in the area..

Post 7

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

smiley - smiley

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