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Post 1


I don't like your attitude to other posters on the friends of leisuredistrict page. I don't like your swearing or shouting.

I will be contacting the feedback section re: your actions.

h2g2 is not a place to hurl abuse at posters-people like that are not welcome.

Post 2


p.s. don't take this personally-I am just sick to death of the people who think they can use these places as somewhere to vent their spleen-and I want to keep it friendly.

p.s.-have you ever thought of poting on the BBC website for addictions @ the health message boards section? your stories could be just the help that people need. smiley - cheers

Post 3

sorry mate, i think u take me for a human being, have to say ive had all the humanity kicked out of me. In a perfect world it would be nice if we could all have fluffy care bear lives, but its not like that. Im just different to you and still say that if LDers (of which im one) have to move with the times, im sure yoome2 will be ok, and £5 quid is nothing, two pints of stella even.........
......Have to say tho...what ever happened to freedom of speech?........censorship is an ugly word...problem is if you read between the lines of my writing im not actualy threatening anyone....its just who i am, i maybe more colourfull than you, have a different l
ifestyle for arts sake as they say........if you read my words carefully the beautifull poetry hidden in razor blade text will lighten your life and free your soul...or something like can i put it....its a bit like banging your thumb and shouting "F**K"...some times life and its tedium whacks ur hitching digit with take care mate, 9bar (little bit dodgey but a nice guy realy)...laters smiley - smiley

Post 4


sorry-I'm just too soft hearted sometimes! smiley - sorry

I really think you have a lot to say-If you haven't already-you really should post on the beeb's boards-it'd give you a buzz.

I know how you feel-I've had so much Bull in my life I can't take anymore some times-and that's why I hit out.

see you soon-I'm sure and smiley - sigh
I'm a bit narky and dodgy myself-but underneath-I'm ok...I think smiley - winkeye

Post 5

Dont worry, everybody has a part to play in life, just like a movie, some films are like the sound of music, some are like reservoir dogs......the best are like both, good and evil, yin and yang, cheech and chong...well maybe not cheech and chong but you get my drift....alaways remember, you have to get on with yourself first, like and love yourself, then evrything else will follow, to like yourself you must accept all that has shaped you, the good and the bad and embrace each one regrets only lessons in the school of life........and always make sure you leave an impression......who wants just fifteen minutes of fame? shot is all you get so get out your howitzer and aim true........glad to have jerked your chain, im happy my words had the desired effect..........yours, agent provocateur/human catalist/touch paper lighting/snowball rolling, 9bar...the district anarchist.


Post 6



ahhh-me? I'm a twit-always going in guns blazing.

see ya round. smiley - hug

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