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just wanted 2 say hi....
ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT.. Started conversation Sep 6, 2002
just wanted 2 say hi.... Posted Sep 9, 2002
hi, so another LD user, i sent the magic e-mail to loads of LDers, t-west cant shut the link down because h2g2 is run by the BBC who own a big piece of t-west, so send the magic e-mail to as many LD users
as 35,m,wiltshire, whats ur asl pls?....x
just wanted 2 say hi....
ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT.. Posted Sep 9, 2002
hi there again
im 31 female essex
i think theres only 1 prob about keep sending the email 2 all the ld`er`s is that there r beginning 2 b 2 many of us on here n may start causing probs.surley in time this will get 2 choco with ppl!!!
iv noticed just like ld that the more ppl logging on2 here the slower it gets and the more probs....i know loads of ppl on here from ld with a digi box n the probs they r getin now compared 2 a few months ago...its not only that we can only get threads lasting up2 12-14 msgs...n i av ad it where ppl think im ignoring them coz i cant get on2 me thread no more grrrrrrr lol...n i cant get on it threw 360 either.....o well the perals of life ay lol
chat soon
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just wanted 2 say hi....
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