This is the Message Centre for Leisure District LittleDarlin

guess who?

Post 1


hiya trish you know me better as KENDO NAGASAKI,,now dont say youve forgotten me...hey i didnt know you was related to hong kong,,c ya soon...john.

guess who?

Post 2


lmao hiya!!
smiley - sorry but i ain't got me thinking head on 2night....hong kong fooey??
smiley - erm nope can't make ne connection!!
put me outa my misery?? aaawww please? smiley - laugh

catch ya l8r then

Trish smiley - hugsmiley - rose

hong kong fooey

Post 3


well didnt u say you used to do karate? do you get me gist..
i can imagine you doin can can kicks in a french maids outfit...hehehe..err sorry that should have read ooh,arr,oh arr.....c ya soon.

hong kong fooey

Post 4


smiley - laugh i'm with ya now!!smiley - doh
oh yeah i can can kick pretty high too!! so smiley - nahnah
it's wen i start doing karite in me french maids outfit u gotta worry tho!! lmao smiley - whistlesmiley - run

Trish smiley - love

hey u

Post 5


why aint i on your friends list trish?..u sacked me then?.it wasnt me who dropped the plate of chips,it was the butler....sigh...

hey u

Post 6


but u R!!! smiley - doh

n i don't mind wot ya long as u don't expect me to clean it up!! (weekend off!) smiley - laughsmiley - nahnah
smiley - hugsmiley - run

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