This is the Message Centre for the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break
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Chauncey Posted Oct 15, 2002
No my parents were being stupid and wanted to watch some movie, so I just played on the computer!! I will watch it this weekend no matter what, even if I have to have somebody tape it for me!
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 16, 2002
i hope you get the oppurtunity to this sunday. you can check out what it's all about at or
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Nov 19, 2002
hello!!!! i hope that all is going well for you. sorry i haven't written in a while. my time, it seems, has become limited. i apologize. i thought i would drop a word to you to make sure that you are still alive.
have a good one
Chauncey Posted Dec 26, 2002
Oh and I finally got to watch Adult Swim the other night. I was laughing so hard I was crying, it was great!!
Chauncey Posted Jan 1, 2003
Hey Tony, just wanted to let you know that I finally got to watch Aqua Team Hungerforce on Adult Swim. It was great; I couldn't stop laughing!!
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Jan 17, 2003
i'm glad you saw it sorry i haven't said anything to you in a while, my computer was down, but now that college is going again i actually can come back here to h2g2, i'm so happy i could roll around in manure with a smile, though that isn't very high on my list of priorities, i think i spelled that wrong, oh well. i hope you had a good christmas with lots of presents and a good veiwing of the new lord of the rings, wooo hooo thats a good movie, i've seen it 3 times now, so i don't think my butt will ever recover from the numbness. anywho, have a good day
Chauncey Posted Jan 17, 2003
Yeah...Christmas was good but seeing the LOTR's was even better. I saw it twice, it was great!!
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- 21: Chauncey (Oct 10, 2002)
- 22: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 14, 2002)
- 23: Chauncey (Oct 15, 2002)
- 24: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 16, 2002)
- 25: Chauncey (Oct 16, 2002)
- 26: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Nov 19, 2002)
- 27: Chauncey (Nov 19, 2002)
- 28: Chauncey (Dec 26, 2002)
- 29: Chauncey (Dec 26, 2002)
- 30: Chauncey (Jan 1, 2003)
- 31: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Jan 17, 2003)
- 32: Chauncey (Jan 17, 2003)
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