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the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Sep 25, 2002
hi chauncey! i'm from a small town in missouri called farmington, it is very boring and lonely here. weird thing though i have a friend named chauncey here. if you're him thats neat. if not thats neat too, sorry i'm so weird but i'm in school while typing this.
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Sep 27, 2002
its ok i think he spells his name different anyway. where are you from, what school do you go to? is your scool as boring as mine? do you like cartoons too? am i crazy? (the answer to that one is yes) hope to talk to you again.
Chauncey Posted Sep 27, 2002
I go to school in a little town in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. My school is extremely boring. I also like cartoons. And we can all be a little crazy at times.
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Sep 29, 2002
so we're both from the midwest. i've been to nebraska, i thought it was a little dull but the zoo in omaha was nice, they had monkeys runnin all around some weird monkey house with a restaraunt at the top of it. other than that i wasn't that entertained. however missouri isn't exactlly a bowl of peaches either (because we don't grow peaches here) and it is very dull also.
so, what kind of cartoons do you watch? do you ever watch adult swim on cartoon network? i personally think that those cartoons are brilliant. i know that the title sounds dirty, but really they aren't.
anywho, talk to you sometime soon.
Chauncey Posted Sep 30, 2002
Yeah Nebraska is a little bit dull, wait who am I kidding it is deathly boring. I like cartoons like Spongebob Squarepants, Rocko's Modern Life, Powerpuff Girls, and Jonny Bravo. I can't say the I have ever watched Adult Swim. Maybe I will have to stay up one of these nights and watch it.
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 2, 2002
my town is way boring too, in fact we have cows grazing outside our highschool. adult swims not on too late, it's at 9 til 12 on sundays. there's gonna be new aqua teen cartoons soon, they're great! um ok bye.
Chauncey Posted Oct 2, 2002
I'll have to see if I have time to watch them. I really am quite busy at this time in my life. So what do you like to do besides watching cartoons?
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 2, 2002
oh i read books by vonnegut, i perform with just my voice and a guitar, i'm an actor (right now i'm doing shakespear's "taming of the shrew) and i just gennerally hang out. why're you so busy? just curious.
Chauncey Posted Oct 3, 2002
Well I am a Junior this year and I have so much homework. Also I play Volleyball. I am in Speech. I am performing in the One-Act play. I also have church and youth group to fit in to my schedule. I also have to fit in my reading of Douglas Adams books. So you see my life is jam packed and I am really tired of it.
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 7, 2002
you do seem to be rather busy, and i completely understand. my life is a little hectic too. maybe youi just need a break, that's what i do. sometimes i just leave for a weekend and go visit a friend who lives 5 hours away, i always come back happy. but if you did that on a weekend you would probably miss adult swim. to remedy that you could set your vcr up to tape it, that would work.
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 7, 2002
your parents won't let you watch cartoons? that's no good. umm, i suppose you could have a friend do it for you, that is if they don't mind. or you could go to a peer to peer sort of internet thingy and download some of them, but that takes a long time, unless you have a cable modem. i don't see why they wouldn't let you tape it though, anyway good luck
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 9, 2002
you don't have to go away just have a friend tape it. hey guess entry is being edited i'm so happy, i worked hard on it. it's on aqua teen hunger force you should read it.
Chauncey Posted Oct 9, 2002
I just read it!! It was pretty good. I will have to watch the show so I can really understand where you are coming from.
the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break Posted Oct 10, 2002
well it is a brilliant cartoon. enjoy it if you get the chance to see it. you seem smart you can probably figure out a way.
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- 1: Chauncey (Sep 23, 2002)
- 2: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Sep 25, 2002)
- 3: Chauncey (Sep 25, 2002)
- 4: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Sep 27, 2002)
- 5: Chauncey (Sep 27, 2002)
- 6: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Sep 29, 2002)
- 7: Chauncey (Sep 30, 2002)
- 8: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 2, 2002)
- 9: Chauncey (Oct 2, 2002)
- 10: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 2, 2002)
- 11: Chauncey (Oct 3, 2002)
- 12: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 7, 2002)
- 13: Chauncey (Oct 7, 2002)
- 14: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 7, 2002)
- 15: Chauncey (Oct 7, 2002)
- 16: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 9, 2002)
- 17: Chauncey (Oct 9, 2002)
- 18: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 9, 2002)
- 19: Chauncey (Oct 9, 2002)
- 20: the incomproble tony boyd and his ever present need for a 420 break (Oct 10, 2002)
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