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Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 1

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

smiley - whistle

smiley - divaHappy Birthday dear Akira,
smiley - divaHappy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !

smiley - whistlesmiley - magic

smiley - cheesecakesmiley - bubblysmiley - magic

smiley - bleep

Have a lovely day dear friend !!!

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 2


I'm overwhelmed. smiley - rainbow

Thank you!! smiley - hug thank you!! smiley - hug thank you!! smiley - biggrin

Reading this has made a beautiful start to my day

smiley - cheers

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 3


I've just got my latest issue of Mojo in the post and I thought you might be interested to know that there's a free cd enclosed called Instant Garage which features....

MC5, The Electric Prunes, New York Dolls, The Amboy Dukes, The Kinks....and da Ramones!! smiley - smiley plus 22 other fab and groovy groups

smiley - cheers

Later dude!!

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 4

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

smiley - gift

oh wow !smiley - wow I bet now you must be out ! the Sun is smilling for you today!!! hey hey ! are you Taurus ? my baby is Taurus (very stubburn people!!) smiley - steam

smiley - gift

smiley - yikes I never buy Mojo, I never did (put hands in the head in deep shame!! smiley - wah), I but Uncut though now and again ! Thanks smiley - ok thanks thanks thanks smiley - biggrin thanks smiley - biggrin thanks smiley - biggrin thanks !!!!... I bought "Q" while on the Airport and hated it (sorry no offence to anyone in Q smiley - thepost).

smiley - gift

What are you doing today Peter ? .... What have you bought ?

smiley - gift

I smiley - love garage !

smiley - gift

Hasta luego !

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 5


I've got every issue of Mojo since it started (and the latest edition is #114!). That's why I was so pleased when 6Music started. For years I'd been saying that my ideal radio station would be a radio version of Mojo smiley - biggrin.

I sometimes buy Uncut - there's a good psychedelia cd free with this month's issue. Tracks by Tomorrow, Tyrannosaurus Rex, The Nice, the Pink Fairies.... and Syd Barrett (which is a coincidence because my birthday present to myself is the Floyd's Piper At The Gates Of Dawn!)

Today I shall be mostly watching films and then going out for a curry this evening and then maybe a few drinks after. (Just a normal Thursday, then...)

BTW I sent an email with my name and address to Andrew Collins last night for winning the woodland creatures comp and got an email back saying we'll be sending you "something" soon! Intruiging!

smiley - cheers

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 6

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

smiley - mod

Good Morning Peter! (and it's raining in Bristol ! bah !)

Did you had a nice day yesterday? I bought Mojo and it's wicked, thanks! It has a great long article about The Electric Prunes, and a guide about the garage scene worth a read plust the CD is yummy !...Don't like the cover (see I am a graphic designer!). But I am glad Garage is back on fashion (if that means we hear more of those bands!)

I always thought you liked Classical music I dunno why, must be that people who like cinema and classics always like classical music or Jazz and hate Rock (my dad is like this!).

I am over the moon about 6music as well, it's very friendly and they are not too snob and also it's not too crowded eithersmiley - biggrin meaning it's almost like a radio station for friends !!

I hope you have a nice weekend Peter.

I shall be doing my gardening but it's raining bah !

Take care !!

smiley - mod

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 7


Oh, but I do like classical music - particularly Mozart, Ravel, Bach, Beethoven, Smetana, Mahler, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Satie..and others. I also like modern, minimalist classics by the likes of John Adams, Steve Reich and Philip Glass.

And I like jazz - mostly bebop and fusion, so we can include Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Weather Report...

And I like all sorts of rock music, probably a bit of everything stylistically, as long as it's good. Looking along my cd shelf (in alphabetical order of course) we have Art Of Noise, Banco De Gaia, Tony Banks, The Beatles, The Bees, Big Audio Dynamite, Bjork, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Blur, Bonzo Dog Band, David Bowie, Buena Vista Social Club, Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine, Eva Cassidy, Chapterhouse, Cinerama, Eric Clapton, The Clash, Crowded House - and that's just A to C on the cds. I haven't even mentioned the cassettes or those 12" black plastic thingies....

I like some folk music; I've got a load of film soundtrack albums; I like some musicals (not many but I've a soft spot for Rogers and Hammerstein).


There, I think that gives you a pretty good idea..smiley - rainbow

By the way, I applied for a place on the Graphic Design Course at Bristol Art College once.....

See ya later. I might make it on chat room this evening

smiley - cheers

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 8

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

smiley - teaGood morning Peter ! smiley - tea

I hope you are ok this morning !, I do like classical music as well but I don't hear it as much as the Jazz and Rock, I like though Wagner (Tanhauser) and some Opera as you can guess...I went into Malher after I saw "Death In Venice" (Visconti).

John Coltrane and Miles Davis are top, I am into jazz mainly cos my dad is into it so now that I grown up of hating the music that parents like, I discovered Duke Ellington and Chat Baker (I also find their lives very interesting ) but my favourite still is Louis Armstrong.

You have music on alfabetical order?? I have never managed to do that! I only have in my nearest shelf what I listen at the moment or week... I wish I coud have them in alfabetical order but AC/DC will be on top and would not reach them !!! smiley - steam

Who are Bonzo Dog Band ? smiley - blush and you hate country ? how about Hank Williams or Lucind Williams? I like almost everything buy chart music (All the reality TV shows and a like and samba !)

Any books you would recomend me Peter ?

smiley - cheerup

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......................................................

Post 9


Happy Sunday morning Montse smiley - biggrin

Who were the Bonzo Dog Band? Well, the short story is that they were a comedy band of the late sixties who wrote songs with names like "Mr Slater's Parrot","My Pink Half Of The Drainpipe","The Trouser Press" and "Death Cab For Cutie". They had a hit sigle in 1969 with a song called "Canyons Of Your Mind" which was produced by Paul McCartney. Their best known albums are "Gorilla","The Doughnut In Granny's Greenhouse" and "Keynsham". Brilliant stuff! smiley - online2long

What book do I recommend? That's difficult....What sort of stuff do you like? I'll read anything, me...Or rather I'll start anything. Whether I finish it or not is another matter!

In my teens I read mostly science fiction, but seemed to move away onto more mainstream fiction in my twenties and thirties. Now I seem to be going back to sf. At the moment I'm reading a massive book called The Collected Stories of Arthur C Clarke (He wrote 2001). It's all his short stories in one book.

I like crime fiction and have read everything by Ian Rankin (Inspector Rebus books), Reginald Hill (the Dalziel and Pascoe books - far superior to the TV version) and Colin Dexter (Inspector Morse). And also the American private eye fiction by Raymond Chandler and James Ellroy.

I like historical fiction - particularly Bernard Hill's Sharpe novels (but I don't like naval stories).

Then I'm fanatical Stephen King and Terry Pratchett reader. I'll read anything by those two I can get my hands on.

And then the more serious writing...I like Salman Rushdie - especially Midnight's Children (One of the best books ever written). I usually try to read whatever has won the Booker Prize that year.

And finally there's the classics...I love Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hardy, William Thakaray..most things nineteenth century. Twentieth century writing must include Aldous Huxley, Evelyn Waugh and PG Wodehouse.

Oh....and I don't like Harry Bl**dy Potter!

I think that's enough for now! I want to talk to you about Barcelona, but I'll leave that for another time.....

smiley - cheers

Peter smiley - redwine

Happy Birthday to youu.......

Post 10

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

I am listening to Lamaq, he is sitting for Liz Kershaw for 2 weeks, I love Lamad taste in music !smiley - biggrin

anyway... you do read a lot you know !!! you should recomend me any Stephen King book, I have only seen his book adaptations but never read anthing, I love the creepy and suspense he can bring to the film (even though they are really bad some). And I dunno who is Terry Pratchett *head in shame.smiley - erm

I remember reading the classics while in university and as a teenager, Thomas Hardy and the russians were my favourites back then !

Oh and Raymond Chandles and the noir books are adorable ! I love them all.

I am reading Nick Hornby 21 songs ( was it 21?) and The Ramones (I am in shame again), another book I loved was "Parefume" by Patrick Suskind and "Catch 22" by Joshep Heller, Umberto Ecco and I am trying to get into gabriel garcia Marquez sometime soon !smiley - smiley

PS I never read Potter and I never will, but I read The Lord Of The Rings...I could not wait for 3 years to know the ending as you can figure out !! smiley - steam

see you soon Peter

smiley - tea

Happy Birthday to youu.......

Post 11


Hi Montse

How are you today, youngster? As I'm sat here, I'm watching Treasure Of The Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart (as you well know) for the thousandth time smiley - online2long

I see from your page that you're from Barcelona. I've only been there the once, but I've been to Spain loads of times. Back in the eighties I used to have a quarter share in an apartment in Benalmadena Costa near Torremolinos.

In the nineties a couple of friends of mine moved to La Coruna and a few of us have been over there a few times. We go over to Spain on the Pride Of Bilbao car ferry that goes from Portsmouth to (unsurprisingly) Bilbao. The first time we went it took 2 days to drive along the north coast to our friends' place. (We stopped over at Luarca, a pretty little fishing town in Asturias). Nowadays the autopista goes straight through and the journey can be done in one day.

I've stayed in La Coruna three times now, but the other time I went over on the ferry we went the other way and crossed the sierras to Barcelona. That time we stayed in an apartment in Palafrugell and spent one day in Figueres to visit the Dali Museum. What a place!

Anyway, that's the short version of my journeys through Spain - and I haven't even mentioned the bodegas in Rioja that I know and love!

Bye for now

smiley - cheers


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