This is the Message Centre for akira100

8 1/5 >;-)

Post 1

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

hello there !

first time here Peter !! , cheers for leting me know !....Always meeting you around like this !...smiley - blush

This looks a bit compliacted smiley - erm at the momment but nice to see you ! this works? I mean do we have live chats if we want to or it works like a Message Board? smiley - blush

anyway it doesn't matter ! nicew to talk to you today in too many different places already ! The Hawk woun't have a stalker anymore after this ! lol smiley - cool

Speak soon amigo ! smiley - ok

8 1/5 >;-)

Post 2


Hello M

Thanks for dropping in. I'm really pleased you made it ok!

I see you got the idea of the smileys pretty quick..smiley - smiley

Everone says how complicated it is to start off with, but that is really because the setup is so different from what we're used to. It a sort of cross between having your own web page and the message boards that we know and love.

You can use your "My Space" page to do loads of things. You can tell the world what interests you; you can start discussions; you can place links to other conversations, people or even websites...

On the subject of message board vs chat room....if you go to my "My Space", down on the righthand side is a list of recent conversations I have contributed to. If you click on the one called "Is this..." it will take you to a conversation that a group of us have been carry on for several months now. We've turned it into a sort-of chat room with people dropping in every day. It's a bit quiet over the weekend but livens up again on Monday. Why not give it a try?

Or alternatively you could post a message saying that you will be online at a certain time and I can pop in for a chat then.

Another of the advantages of this place is that there is no limit to the length of a posting. I could keep this going for pages if I want to. And it is virtually self-modding; moderating only happens after a complaint has been made.

Well,I'll wind this up for now, I'm just about to watch Roman Holiday on Sky Cinema. Love that Audrey! smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers


8 1/5 >;-)

Post 3

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

Oh thanks so much for that Peter you are a star ! smiley - cheerup

as I am writing I have to keep loking and scroll down to read you and the reply!!... did you enjoyed your film ? smiley - teasmiley - cake

maybe one day i will try the chat as see how it goes, monday maybe or tuesday! I haven't watch 8 1/5 yet I have a pile of dvd to get through!!! ...smiley - erm

I like the fact that we can write as much as we want and also it feels very intimate in a sort of way...I even wrote my profile about me and I was right inspired along with Badly Drawn Boy and Bend Folds Five smiley - coolsmiley - ale

I hope I see you soon my friend and thanks again !!!

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

8 1/5 >;-)

Post 4


I'm around most of the time (saddo life!) so please pop in any time for a smiley - coffee or maybe a smiley - redwine and smiley - porkpie.

Thoroughly enjoyed watching Roman Holiday this morning. Anything with Audrey Hepburn in is worth a couple of hours of my day. She was sooooo beautiful - and not a bad actress either.

I read your profile and I'm constantly amazed about how much our tastes are similar. All your film choices are the same as the ones I would pick!

But your music favourites include some stuff I don't really know that much about and I think, as our tastes coincide on so many other things (bl**dy Cerys!), could you give me a few pointers on stuff I might like?

You see the thing is I've missed out a a whole load of good music over the last ten years or so and only got interested again through listening to 6Music. I mean, where was the input for me before then? Radio 1? Saturdays on Radio 2? I don't go out much so I depend on TV and radio for information.

My main period of music knowledge was in the 70s (I ran a record store from 1976-79) and I lost track (geddit? track?) of things from the mid eighties onwards - all I was doing was replacing my old albums with cds and buying stuff like U2 and Peter Gabriel. I was desperately in danger of turning into a middle aged aor fan!

So can you be my guide and give me some pointers? I think you know the sort of stuff I'm currently interested in. The last few albums I've bought include a couple of Red Hot Chillis and The Flaming Lips latest. Oh, and the first four Led Zeps (again...)

Have a good weekend

smiley - cheers


8 1/5 >;-)

Post 5

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

smiley - modI agree there Peter, before 6 I was never into music, never really heard the radio and so stuck in the old records till downloading was availabe through smiley - musicalnoteNapstersmiley - musicalnote and later on Kazzasmiley - musicalnote and 6 music smiley - whistle has made me listen music all over again....smiley - mod I was into music when as a graphic desigener I used to make the porsters, CD, gigs publicity and the lot about musician, so we had free tickets !! smiley - pirate

I was never into the 70's very much, although I remember Peter Frampton and Rick wakeman and The Carpenters throught my cousin who was always playing the guitar tunes by Simon And Garfunkel smiley - skull I mean I can't remember the last time I heard those bands !!smiley - rainbow

You had a record store ???? smiley - mod wow wow !! the dream of every one!! ... smiley - rocket how cool ! like the book and film "High Fidelity" have you seen it ? by the sound of it, that's what we should all hang out !!smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep....

... don't ask me about music Peter, I am going back to shool myself in 6music...but although it's very cool and friendly radio station then I feel old as some of the tunes sound just like a few I heard before, still keeps me company and makes me laugh!! smiley - whistle

see ya Peter !!smiley - biggrin

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - run

PS; Badly Drawn Boy, Ben Folds Five and Mercury Rev smiley - love are big ones in my house now... The Flaming Lips are lovely !!smiley - love.... My Morning Jacket and if I need more uplifting tunes Teenage Fanclub and The Ramones...if I am over the top then AC/DC, The Sonics, The Stooges ... cos those are to "heavy " for 6 !! he he heeesmiley - cool

8 1/5 >;-)

Post 6

§Øn¥© ( Widow Of Joey Ramone )

smiley - modI agree there Peter, before 6 I was never into music, never really heard the radio and so stuck in the old records till downloading was availabe through smiley - musicalnoteNapstersmiley - musicalnote and later on Kazzasmiley - musicalnote and 6 music smiley - whistle has made me listen music all over again....smiley - mod I was into music when as a graphic desigener I used to make the porsters, CD, gigs publicity and the lot about musician, so we had free tickets !! smiley - pirate

I was never into the 70's very much, although I remember Peter Frampton and Rick wakeman and The Carpenters throught my cousin who was always playing the guitar tunes by Simon And Garfunkel smiley - skull I mean I can't remember the last time I heard those bands !!smiley - rainbow

You had a record store ???? smiley - mod wow wow !! the dream of every one!! ... smiley - rocket how cool ! like the book and film "High Fidelity" have you seen it ? by the sound of it, that's what we should all hang out !!smiley - bleepsmiley - bleep....

... don't ask me about music Peter, I am going back to shool myself in 6music...but although it's very cool and friendly radio station then I feel old as some of the tunes sound just like a few I heard before, still keeps me company and makes me laugh!! smiley - whistle

see ya Peter !!smiley - biggrin

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - run

PS; Badly Drawn Boy, Ben Folds Five and Mercury Rev smiley - love are big ones in my house now... The Flaming Lips are lovely !!smiley - love.... My Morning Jacket and if I need more uplifting tunes Teenage Fanclub and The Ramones...if I am over the top then AC/DC, The Sonics, The Stooges ... cos those are to "heavy " for 6 !! he he heeesmiley - cool

8 1/5 >;-)

Post 7


Morning montse

You see? I've got Mercury Rev's Deserter's Songs, Badly Drawn Boy and Ben Folds Five are on my shopping list and I loved My Morning Jacket's last two singles...smiley - rainbow

So that's films in common, music in common...what authors do you like? (I think you may have told me back up the page, but it's too late to scroll back without losing the last paragraph!)

smiley - cheers

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