This is the Message Centre for akira100

Hello Peter

Post 1


... as you spotted, I have "joined up". If you want, please leave any idle chat on the Girly thread on my space. See you later.


Hello Peter

Post 2


hi hazel.. funny to bump into you over here.. have not visited here for ages...

our dear peter lovegrove is being very scarce... but i suspect he teases us behind some different nicks...

no i don't expect you to own up peter...

smiley - dragon

Hello Peter

Post 3


Oh, I'm about, d.

Skulking, but not under any name but mine (and akira over here-a)

Sometimes I just like to sit back and watch everyone else chat

Lotsa love smiley - kiss


Hello Peter

Post 4


peter, why are you moving in the shadows? we love to see you in the limelight... we could take turns,,, i go and skulk now - which might not be a bad idea since i dont seem to be able to escape the neurotic attentions of a certain person since the planet earth thread on QQ... it is very tiresome...

come out and play or shall i join you..

much love
smiley - dragon

Hello Peter

Post 5


I'm going to start a few more threads on MC-H for the Easter weekend based around Gail's Pub. Easter egg rolling, maybe a barbeque, special easter c*cktails. You know the sort of thing..

Want to come and help?

smiley - redwine

peter xxx

Hello Peter

Post 6


i went to look for you but the boards are up the creek.. saw about 10/12 posts and when i responded there was only you... they are up the spout again.. i think i will concentrate on other things.. have to run out in a minute anyhow.. see you very soon..

smiley - dragon

Hello Peter

Post 7


Hello DDT,
there is something odd about your space here - although it clearly shows the posts you made to this thread, a week or so ago, entering your space states that the last msg you posted was 21st Feb! How do you do that?


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