This is the Message Centre for akira100

Found you!

Post 21


I'm sorry the pub's been closed lately. I've not been doing much on MC-H over the past couple of weeks because I couldn't get into the soap opera thread(s), so I've been spreading my postings further afield. As you know, my first love is cinema and there are loads of BBC film messageboards. That's where I've been lurking mostly lately.

I'm away for a few days from next Sunday to probably Thursday. I hope to come back refreshed and with some new ideas - so expect loads of stuff then! smiley - rainbow

Chelsea, remember last November when I had that awful toothache that went on for ages, caused by an abscess? Well, believe it or not, I've just got back from the emergency weekend dentist with another one - in a totally different place this time. Yesterday I was in agony and over a sleep-free night the whole side of my face swelled up so that I could hardly talk. The dentist drained it off (I hope you're not eating your dinner at the moment!) and gave me a course of antibiotics. At least not being able to eat solids is a good dietary plan....

I never used to get bad toothache, in fact I can't remember the last time I did. And then suddenly two real shockers in five months. I hope it was just a coincidence and not the shape of thigs to come.

And on that happy note....

smiley - cheers


Found you!

Post 22


Aaah, nightmare, really sorry to hear about your abscess, the pain must have been bad for you. I expect it will take some time to settle down as well ... glad you were able to get it sorted. smiley - yikes

I have a visit to the dentist next month myself, have a lump on lower jaw which was painful but now isn't, also have a piece missing from a tooth, they're all slowly disintegrating I'm afraid but my fault for not looking after them better as a child.

Apologies for going on about my good time whilst you were in agony, I do send you very best wishes for a better week than you've had weekend. smiley - cuddle

I want to see Autofocus - I'm keeping my eyes on the listings.

May speak to you again before you go away but I'll send you my best wishes for a rejuvenating break now anyway.

smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterfly

Found you!

Post 23

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hair looks good Eve!

Poor Peter. I can't bring myself to go the dentist at the moment - my old one has retired - and I shall now be at the mercy of a young chap who doesn't know what a baby I am! It will have to happen sooner or later I guess....later I hope!

Peter - ditto re MC - I think Rita might be about to hang up her red satin bra too. I think everyone has got a little fed up with it.
It needed William's touch.

On a good day there are more laughs to be had on 5 Live...but then MC on a good day is great. Cresby started a fun Norfolk Broad thread over the weekend and there were a few other games at the end of last week too.

smiley - fairy

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