This is the Message Centre for akira100


Post 1


peter could you please explain how you did the 'friends entry.. i am soo thick


Post 2


sorry peter.. panic over ... i finally fathomed it..


Post 3


er - Glad to have been of help smiley - winkeye

Have you got the smileys worked out yet? If not, just click on any of the little pictures on this message and you'll see the whole list of icons available. Just put the coding into your message (for example, smiley - smiley is a "<" then "smiley" then ">" and voila!)

I'm probably told you what you've already found out and being really patronising, but I couldn't work it out for ages and this is the way it was explained to me.

smiley - cheers



Post 4


thank you peter,

i worked hard yesterday and managed to get a personal space of sorts.. someone very kindly helped me with my roman numerals. one would not think people would discover that you are hanging out..

i did look at the smilies.. rather a good choice. although i prefer some versions on yahoo.. this brings me to a question: do you play scrabble? or rather do u like to play scrabble?

i have played a couple of wordgames with mycelium.. but i dont know anyone else round here really.

until soom
smiley - dragon


Post 5


Morning smiley - dragon

I used to play scrabble with a friend of mine but we had usually had a couple of bottles of wine each by the time we started, so I've always been a bit hazy on the rules (concerning scoring). We kept trying to attract girls to play a game of strip scrabble but never had any success! smiley - sadface

I'm a crossword fan as well. Guardian, Times, Telegraph, etc...

In other words, yes, I like word games! smiley - rainbow

smiley - cheers



Post 6


good morning

i am hopeless at crosswords except the simple ones.. but i love wordgames.. if you have sometimes a while to spare - perhaps we can play a scrabble on yahoo.. i am very rusty but i love the game.

it might help if you get a bit hazy before smiley - redwine

smiley - dragon


Post 7


How do you play scrabble on yahoo? I've got a yahoo account but it's so long since I used it that it's probably lapsed by now.

smiley - cheers


Post 8


oh peter,

noone ever dies on yahoo... just pull up yahoo, click on games, then i think it is literati...the yahoo version of scrabble.. you will have to sign in so i hope you remember your password. if you let me know your handle on yahoo.. then i we can make arrangements..

smiley - dragon


Post 9


Oky doky. I've had a wander around yahoo and found out all about it. I can't start a game today because I'm off out now to spend my hard earned benefit money on luxuries like food and toiletries (me? bitter? naw)

I'll be about tomorrow morning (Wed 29/1/03) so I look forward to playing around with you - sorry, playing a round with you. smiley - biggrin

My yahoo id is peter_lovegrove2002 (to distinguish me from the 2001 other peter lovegroves they have!)

smiley - cheers



Post 10


ok i will leave a message on your yahoo messenger - so you will have my id at the same time..

smiley - dragon

p.s. go easy on the aftershave..


Post 11


mr. lovegrove..

where are you? moved into an igloo?

let's hear something from you.

smiley - dragon


Post 12


Hello d

Sorry if I haven't been about much lately. There's a couple of reasons for that.

I've been having problems with my server. smiley - steam It keeps on cutting in and out. (Ice on the line?) And making free-flowing conversations a mite difficult. By the time I've read everything that's been posted, I only get a possible minute or so to add to it.

I've taken advantage of this hiatus to read a few books. (I've been sending CG my book reports!) It's about time I did some reading anyway. Recently all I've been doing is chatting online and watching films on TV.

The trouble is I enjoy the company of everyone on the boards so much that I could be here all day! smiley - rainbow

Expect increased contact (hopefully) in the near future. Then maybe we can get a scrabble game going.

smiley - cheers


BTW It's surprisingly warm in this igloo

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