This is the Message Centre for akira100

hi petey weety weety

Post 1


smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

cos we havent talked for ages and ages. smiley - smiley

smiley - love krissmiley - rose

hi petey weety weety

Post 2


Hiya beautiful smiley - biggrin

You most come round and see my collection of bar snacks sometime.

"Come up and see my scratchings..." smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

How's things? Keeping happy?

smiley - cheers


hi petey weety weety

Post 3


yup tres heureux - sitting here in my bath towel, smiling from your message and glowing all over smiley - blush

i love my days, like you do. smiley - hug

got to dry my hair, i am dripping everywhere - wonder if i am melting smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers kris

hi petey weety weety

Post 4


Hello Kris smiley - rainbow

How's things? I keep out of the way when football's being talked about. I don't really understand what's going on in the Premiership. As a pundit said recently, The most exciting stuff is happening in the First Division at the moment. I've been a fan of Reading FC for as long as I can remember (I first went to see them play in the early seventies, but the wheelchair makes it more hard work than it's worth nowadays smiley - sadface)

Life is pretty naff at the moment, isn't it? I can't get excited about anything. I'm spending all my time typing up the memoirs left by my step-grandfather. He died just after christmas and we found all these exercise books full of stories about his childhood and beyond. One branch of his family lived in America for a while and he had a great grandfather who was sheriff in Cripple Creek, Colorado, and got involved in a shoot out once.

The rest of the time I'm doing a load of reading. I got so many books for Chrimble that it'll take me until Easter to catch up if that's all I do all day. I'm reading Kate Adie's autobiography at the moment. Very good. I highly recommend it. smiley - smiley

I've just spent a couple of hours cleaning the leaves on my house plants. What an exciting life I do lead!

Bye for now

smiley - cheers

Peter smiley - hug

hi petey weety weety

Post 5


hi pete,

smiley - cuddlenever say life is naff. i am grateful to wake up alive everyday.

i noticed you havent been around so much. i have always liked kate adie so if ever i am near a copy i will peruse it.

writing up your grandfather's memoirs sounds absorbing. my dad also dictated a load of stuff about his ukranian upbringing. he was son of a priest/farmer (who was exiled to siberia by the russians at end of 2nd world war) and crewed round the world on a big multi-sailed ship before he fought, was captured and escaped from a prisoner of war camp in germany under a train, and saved someone's life in the process, which person came to see us once a year to thank dad for it.

i wil be in reading in early spring to go walking with some wolves in a santuary there. i can bring a guest so you could come if you like.
i have deep feelings about wolves.

sorry for the temper on the other thread. got a big bash on the head last week and spent about 3/4 days being concussed and i am still emotionally a bit more volatile than usual.

smiley - love kris

hi petey weety weety

Post 6


The wolf sactuary thing sounds interesting. Would a wheelchair be feasible?

Any time you want to blow off a bit of steam you've got my email address, haven't you? I'm always here to listen

smiley - hug peter

hi petey weety weety

Post 7


i will look into it and let you know peter.

i couldnt blow off steam on you - you are very sweet to everyone smiley - hug. i just have to work on my immaturity a bit more smiley - erm

smiley - cheers kris smiley - love

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