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Post 1

Pat Pending


Evening: just a quickie. Would I be correct in thinking that you have either a digital radio or access through some other platform to digital broadcasts? I received a DAB radio for Xmas and just want to witter to someone about how fantastic it is.

Hope the smile and humour is returning?
Take care.


Post 2


Hello young Patsmiley - smiley

No. No DAB here, but I listen to digital stations via the computer and on digital TV (NTL). I have been listening to BBC7 since it started a couple of months ago and I'm a regular listener (and contributor) to 6Music.

I don't know what your taste in music is, but I find - even at my advanced age of 47 - that I like the stuff that gets played on 6Music.

My day starts with Phill Jupitus, the Giant Haystacks of comedy, at 7am and I often listen to Liz Kershaw at lunchtime and Andrew Collins at tea time. Interesting people as well as good music.

As they are listened to mostly by people with computers, they rely a great deal on email contributions for their content. That's what I mean when I say I'm a contributor as well as a listener. I've had emails read out on all the shows and regularly (daily!) send them in to Phill Jupitus' show.

If you fancy a laugh, get your DAB tuned to 6Music between 7am and 10am. I'm known as "The Reverend Lovegrove" (it's a long story....) and between us we've created this imaginary family that feature largely in the emails.

As the audience for the channel is pretty small it's easy to get emails read out and if you enter a competition (of which there are many) there's a good chance of winning a cd or t shirt or mug or something.

OK - End of Commercial! smiley - biggrin

And talking of football....I see that The Royals have got two more matches against Walsall in the next ten days. The cup replay and a league game a week on Saturday. How often do two teams play each other three times in a fortnight I wonder?

smiley - cheers



Post 3

Pat Pending

Morning Peter,

I took your advice and tuned to 6Music for the little bit of time I have available between 7 and 10, and found it most enjoyable. Didn't hear any contributions from the Rev, but it was a pleasure to hear Morrissey's Suedehead and Curtis Mayfield's Move On Up at Breakfast Time, and PJ, as well as knowing his music, just seems to enjoy himself so much.

An added bonus is that on my DAB radio there's a scrolling screen which displays track title, artist and other useful info: so no more missing the intro and thinking "Darn: I wonder what this song is?"!

Am seriously thinking about going to the Mad Stad for the replay and, if they win, I'll definitely be there for the 4th Round vs Wimbledon because West Ham are away to Man Ure.

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