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Post 1


smiley - xmastree


I swear you're even more reclusive than OOV! He's been grousing all day about you not being there - we know CG's got the kids & OOV's are grown up, My C's got the family ....

Well,smiley - loveblush, we've been hogging the fire & such-like, IN BETWEEN VISITS FROM FOLK OOV USED TO WORK WITH ...

I can only hope you have been cuddling up to a really great bottle of red - with suitable accompaniments - I mean, otherewise, the Empire is Lost!!

Love from both of us

'M' & OOV (rtd) - (until the next time, I'm a realist ... 'M')


Post 2

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Happy Holidaze to all. smiley - biggrin

smiley - love

smiley - cat*

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