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Hi Peter

Post 1

V Max

I thought we'd best move off the "pirate" thread if we're discussing books etc... !

Vimes is probably my favourite too, so I'm looking forward to Nightwatch - I'll probably have finished it by boxing day!

Did you hear Terry Pratchett on 5Live a few weeks back? Apparently he had his BBC pass stuck in his hat-band!

I wanted to find out if he planned any more collaborations with Neil Gayman, but they didn't read out my request.

His childrens' books are quite good too, especially the Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents.

Hi Peter

Post 2


BBC7 has started off Pratchett mad. As well as broadcasting Guards,Guards, they're doing Maurice on the kids' prog and had an interview with him yesterday!

The station can only go downhill....smiley - tongueout

Have you read Limbo? (my personal favourite) It's the one I'm always banging on about when I'm trying to get the uninitiated interested in Pratchett's books. I reckon it has the most intelligent storyline he's done so far. I book all politicians should read!

smiley - cheers

Hi Peter

Post 3


PS I'll put down a list of some of my favourite books here tomorrow. (As a public service, of course, and as a conversation opener)

smiley - cheers


Hi Peter

Post 4

V Max

I don't know "Limbo". Is it a discworld story?

For me, its Guards Guards, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Pyramids, Interesting Times and Carpe Jugulum that really made me laugh, but overall Lords and Ladies is probably the best actual story (and still damn funny).

Character-wise, the original Guards (Vimes/Nobby/Fred Colon/Carrot), the argumentative Wizards and The Patrician are favourites. I've started to get a bit bored with the witches, and never really found Rincewind particularly funny - and The Luggage has become an annoying repetitive plot device to get Rincewind into/out of trouble.

I also really enjoyed Good Omens, and wish he'd get together with Neil Gaiman to write a sequel.

Might not be about tomorrow (meetings, meetings) but back on thursday anyway.


Hi Peter

Post 5


I didn't mean Limbo - damn this strong wine at lunch time! - I meant Jingo, of course. smiley - doh

smiley - cheers


Hi Peter

Post 6

V Max

Oh right, Jingo is pretty funny too now you mention it - another one taking the mickey out of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos along the way. I'm a bit of a Lovecraft fan BTW.

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