This is the Message Centre for akira100

The exigiencies of the service...

Post 1


Good Morning Peter, it's David - aka OOV - back from foreign parts. Just wanted to wish you a happy Sunday. M & I have a nice meal planned & the wine (white) is chilling and the wine (red) has breathed.

We have a little catching up to do before I go off again on Tues, so, while you may not hear much from me for a bit, M will keep us in touch with goings on in ISIHAC Land and MC-H, capital of same.

When I get back, she says she'll join up in her own right.

Regards to all

smiley - redwine

The exigiencies of the service...

Post 2


Appreciate the call David, aka, etc, etc.

This is far too much travelling for such an olden, isn't it? Take some sick leave. Tell them you're sick of leaving all the time!

Don't worry about young M, we'll take care of her and I promise no one will take advantage of such a young innocent while you're away (heh,heh,heh). smiley - smiley

I hope you'll be about over Christmas. We can have a few cyber drinks together. smiley - bubbly

On that word, I think the smiley - redwine wine had been breathing long enough now. Any chance of a tincture?

Have a good trip and take care.

smiley - cheers


Now, M, my dear, let me help you pour that wine......

The exigiencies of the service...

Post 3


Hi, Peter, this is 'M' - not as young as all that, but thanks all the same. We're sipping a nice French red something-or-other - where's your glass?

And yes, he is on the old side for traipsing about & trying to swash his buckle ... but all the kids, as we call them will be needed if something awful happens, while old codgers like Seannachie can do a lot of preparation. However, we've barely recovered from the repeat of ISIHAC - the redefinitions were almost too much for us.

He put a line in Mycelium's Limerick, so it's up to me to head up the Gorge.


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