This is the Message Centre for akira100

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 1


Just seen your message on the other thread. It was good fun today. I posted on YOUR board to say so earlier (on Brad's thread) and Hazel has replied.

Would love to join you for drinks later, will try and make it.

smiley - cheers

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 2


Sarnia, please do not think I am following you or anything but I was looking for Peter and Gail's Bar? Is he in?

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 3


Hi Bushy,

Yes, I think he is. It's a thread called Pub Quiz or something. I don't really want to barge in by saying "HELLO, I'm here, get me a" as it seems quite eclectic (and I am a bit thick).

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 4


Where is it? I'll whisper the answers to you if want?

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 5


Sorry Bushy, didn't realise you didn't know where it was. It's on the Mornington Crescent board on Radio 4 Boards. I expect best thing is to go to the main boards, click on the A-Z and then find it under Radio 4.

Might see you there then!

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 6


Oh look it's kris! I want to talk to her for a bit if she is sticking around, why don't you join us for while? Here Sarnia, another glass of white wine for you ...

Come along to my space and look for "cuddling kris"!

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 7


I might, but feel that I would be butting in. Shall pop down into my vast wine cellar and retrieve another bottle or two (just to set me up for the night you understand) and watch HIGNFY. Did you see my question about Frank's btw?

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 8


Sorry Sarnia, yes I know Franks. I live in Wilmslow but used to date a girl that lived in Altrincham and we had few nights on the town normally ending up in "Our Place" which is a tiny club a bit like someone's living room! Ever been?

You won't be butting in at all... Micheline (kris' real name, I didn't know until it tonight!) has disappeared again! Just thought it might be nice to have a natter on-line so to speak about ... erm .. stuff?

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 9


Hi Bushy,

Frank's is owned by someone I used to know when I lived in Bermuda. I don't know his real name, just call him Ox.

I know that Kris is Micheline - we've been emailing each other for about 8 months now!

It was so funny all those months ago on the 5 Live Boards. There were about four or five of us trying to get our email addies up on the board without the Mods twigging. We managed it somehow! Lots of cryptic stuff as in "my name, add.... , then a warm male" etc.

We were regularly called puerile and stupid by other posters....oh well!

Anyway, back from the cellar, but will go and watch HIGNFY now. Will pop back later and see if anyone is still around.

smiley - cheers

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 10


Hi Sarnia, it's Peter

I just thought I'd say hello. We haven't chatted for a while. You haven't forgotten me have you? smiley - smiley

What have you been doing with yourself? Weren't you hors de computer for a while? Glad to see you're about now.

Bye for now


Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 11


Hello Peter!

Yes I was without a PC all of last week - it was horrible!

Last weekend I went to London (I live in Guernsey) and went to see CFC play - I manage about 4 -5 games a season.

How are you?

smiley - smiley

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 12


Bit tired, I'm afraid smiley - sadface The electricity in my part of Reading was off for all of yesterday evening and most of the night.

I spent most of the morning wandering around resetting timers and retuning radios smiley - grr

I'm hoping for a solid night's sleep tonight and then I'll bounce tomorrow smiley - biggrin

See you smiley - cheers


Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 13


Yes, I'm a bit tired too. HATE these early morning get ups for brats and school.

I'm happy coz Chelsea wiped the floor with Everton tonight.

Hope you're fine and dandy in the morning smiley - smiley

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 14


Yep, thanks.

I watched the game (Jimmy Floyd - great goals), drank a bottle of wine and then turned in early.

Bright and chipper this morning smiley - biggrin

I hate dark mornings smiley - sadface but it'll soon be spring! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

Peter, it's Sarnia

Post 15


Good morning Peter!

I also watched the game, had a bottle of wine (and a bit more) but didn't turn in early. Fell asleep on the sofa instead and came to at about 3am.

Have resisted the temptation to crawl back to bed as I have lots to do.

Yes, it will soon be Spring!

smiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterfly

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