Journal Entries
Posted Jan 27, 2006
I got a Cin my Pharmacology and a B in my microbiology written Winter exams. W007!!!!!!one!!!!!11!
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Latest reply: Jan 27, 2006
My Hootoo t-shirt
Posted Jan 4, 2006
I'm w**king at a supermarket over the Christmas period, and today I had to endure a 10-hour shift, so I'll likely be dreaming about scanning products all night...
But can you imagine my surprise when I arrived home to find a strange package from to BBC on the table...
Which, when ripped open, contained...
It's a lovely shade of blue with the h2g2 logo picked out in white, and the fabric is wonderfully soft and comfortable. There was also a h2g2 badge and a Merry Christmas message (heh...)
I feel good!
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Latest reply: Jan 4, 2006
Life Update
Posted Nov 25, 2005
So a fair of stuff has been going on in my life, most of it not particularly interesting to outsiders, but I still feel like preserving it for posterity. Anyway, I guess that first and foremost is I am now finished my first semester of my second year at university, and what a semester it's been. I discovered that I seem to like biochemistry more than microbiology, and that pharmacology is incredibly dull. Study week started a cuple of days early for me, and before this day is out I intend to know everything there is to know about lipids.
I have a biochmeistry practical exam on Monday, which is officially day 1 of study week,and I typically forgot to get my lab notebook back. Looks like I'll have to rely on the manual, and maybe go in seriously early on Moday and get it back.
I went speed dating yesterday, and thta was a good bit of craic. I made friends with a guy who's repeating his third year in geology, though I remember him telling me that he hates it. Come to think of it, so did a number of the girls I spoke to...
There was this one girl who turned out to live in Galway like me, who got grinds from a couple of my secondary school teachers, and knew a few of my school friends. She also got 600 points in the Leaving Cert, which is the maximum possible, and went to a Gaelscoil (a school where everything is thought throuh Irish), poor thing. I felt that we hit it off to some degree, let's hope she feels the same way. She's doing civil law, and finds it massivley dull.
When semester 2 starts, I'll be entering a Pop Idol rip-off called So you think you're famous run by my university to raise money for charity, with the final occurring on day two of rag week. The winner gets €1,000 and chooses a charity to which a further €1,000 will be donated. I have no idea what will happen if over €2,000 is raised.
I can't sing, but that never stopped anyone on the proper shows from succeeding in a big way. Let's hope the judges like Iron Maiden...
Oh, and before you say anything, I hate those shows too. I'm entering in order to report on it for my college newspaper, which has the best name ever - SIN.
Tomorrow is International Buy Nothing Day, and to mark it, there's a big massive barter fair going on in Galway. I'm thinking of taking some of my old books, clothes, and games down and see if I can unload them in exchange for somethings cool. Maybe I'll also donate that CD player I won last rag week in return for promising to never, ever sing karaoke again...
Well, that about wraps things up for my life at this point. During exam tim, I'll make long, detailed postings featuring all the minutiae of what I write down for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
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Latest reply: Nov 25, 2005
The Sad State of American Education
Posted Nov 7, 2005
We celebrated my grandad's birthday yesterday, and while there, I ended up talking with my cousin and our uncle about America. Cuz mentioned that, at age 12 or so, she had for some reason done the SATs, which are a series of exams American use to get into college. (For any Americans reading, she did the level 3 SAT,. whatever those are). She scored better than 38.5% of Americans. Now, my cousin is far from stupid, but there must be something wrong when a 12-year-old does better than a significant proportion of prospective college students...
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Latest reply: Nov 7, 2005
The Great NUIG Power Cut
Posted Nov 2, 2005
On Tuesdays, I only have one class, and it starts at 15:00. Its official name is a Computer Aided Learning (CAL) session for Pharmacology, but I call it the pseudo-lab because that's what it is. Rather than going into a proper lab and doing experiments, we sit at computers and simulate them, then go and write about them.
(And while I'm in the tangential build-up, one would not expect the study of drugs to be so dull...)
We hand our notebooks up for correction at the end of the pseudo-lab and are supposed to collect the from the department office on Friday, but I always forget and get mine at 14:55 on Tuesday, and today (well, yesterday, since it is now 01:36...s**t, I have to be up at 09:00, better be quick with this journal entry) was no exception. To my surprise, there were several other people standing outside the office as well, for they had also fogotten to get their notebooks on Friday, and the door was locked. One of them mentioned a massive power cut, and wondered whether we would still have the pseudo-lab. I said probabl, because we did ast week even though the software were supposed to use had gone AWOL.
So we got to the computer suite, where it turned out we couldn't log in at all, so we did it the same as last week. The supervisor also arranged to get all the unclaimed notebooks, so eveybody was happy(ish), plus a class party was reannounced, though I decided not to go at the last minute because going would have entailed cycling ten kilometres through the rain.
When I left I wanted to check my email, but found that the entire lowest floor of the main building was in darkness. None of the computer suites were working, except for a few which I could not log into my account from. As it turned out, only one computer in the entire college was in working order.
Also, the library was closed. So were the IT building, the canteen, the coffee shop, the bookshop, and the SU shop (the closure of that last one scuppered my chances of winning €8,000...) and come to think of it, when I arrived in, everyone I saw had seemed a little
Similarly, all lectures were cancelled until 18:00, but yay, I still had my pseudo-lab! So, it seemed, was the college paper meeting since we couldn't get into the building, though I later noticed the editors seemed to be having a discussion of some sort. The writers society meeting did go ahead, in one of the few ares which had electricity at 19:00.
So anyway, let's hope power is restored by tomorrow. Pity the paper meeting didn't go ahead, this would have made a pretty cool story. the official rumour is some sort of electrical fire.
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Latest reply: Nov 2, 2005
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