This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman


Post 1


I think that you use far too many smilieys in your intro to make any sense. However to those who understand, I am sure that it is lol. How are you anyway. I like the name, are you a follower of Gerry Anderson (scarlet woman, Captin scarlet... lol).


Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Dear Alpha5,

Sorry for the smilieys - though they clearly do their job - for I am a Scarlet Nonsense! And I think those who know me sort of understand what I'm on about!

Yes, I did like the Thunder thingies in my youth!

I'm very fine. Thanks for asking smiley - biggrin!

I am a big fan of Stargate (movie only!)and am surprised by how much I continue to enjoy the Star Wars stuff when I get to see it - those Borg are rather beautiful.

smiley - fairy


Post 3


I dont see how you can find the borg beautifial? They have horrible white skin, black vains and implants all over them. And have you seen many Stargate episodes? They are very good but sadly you can only see them on Sky.


Post 4

Scarlet Woman

I think I was taken with the Borg Queen - She reminded me of the ancient Egyptian Nefertiti!

I don't have sky - but have seen a few of the Stargate episodes - perhaps I need to see more.

smiley - fairy

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