This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

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Post 1


Smilies, Appearances, etc...

Morning, SW ...well, afternoon actually.

Just found a rather splendid site on the wider web - Here one can find the elements to compose coats of arms etc.

In the afterglum of the morning after, methought there was the makings of a game here ...

I thought we might assign ourselves - well, our personae anyway, suitable coats of arms. The elements are numbered, so until they let us upload them, we can simply refer to the catalog number and drive others mad with envy.

Mention it to Peter and anyone else, of course. Let's see what we can make of it.

BTW, I thought that was a smart move of his, I mean his alleged fraternisation with the multi-organed ones - I may well need a liver transplant! smiley - smiley

Seannachie ...aka OOV

No Subject

Post 2

Scarlet Woman

How stupid am I 00V!

I saw your ref to SW's site on the Cheddar Gorge game and thought: I never knew that Sandy Winder had a site - went to look for it an' all!

I shall peruse the clippy heraldic elements and see what I can come up with for the Scarlet Woman - who doesn't even recognise her own intitials! Do you think they've got something for someone as off the planet as that! I'll blame it on the M3.

Pretty fierce gales here too - infact, against advice, I thought I'd just take the 'wreck' out to do some heavy shopping - and on the way home a huge scaffolding sign flew of a building and I screeched to a halt an inch from where it landed. Is someone up there trying to tell me something!

We better keep quiet about the 5 Livers! - you need one, I need one and I suspect Peter might like one too - see - we're nearly all out of organs.

smiley - fairy

The Mentally Challenged Scarlet Fool

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Post 3


I saw another good site for smilies, but he doesnt seem to have a spy one. I constructed a suitable one, but they frown on folk uploading stuff, don't they?

I know what I'll do ... I'll ask Bluebottle, that's what.

Now, I must off to the wilds of Pictland again ...soberly this time, but I'll be back up 'tGorge later.

smiley - bubbly

No Subject

Post 4


Hello both,

I followed your instructions, David. Fascinating site. I only skimmed it but I see what you mean. There's a game in that for sure!

I'm sure David has tried looking up his coat of arms, crest and motto. I found the Lovegrove coat of arms to be a "red shield with three leopard's faces between two bars and two feathers".

Yours, CG/SL, (for the Pearce family) is black with a silver chevron between two gold unicorn's heads. Your crest is a red wyvern and your motto is "Nihil Amanti Durum" which I translate as "Never Make Love In Durham"!

smiley - cheers

No Subject

Post 5

Scarlet Woman

Hello Akira,

I've just e-mailed you my very own thoughts on the Scarlet/Chelsea Coat of Arms - I didn't get on very well with the site and went with a more basic design!

00V, if you want to see it - you will have to break cover and give us an e-mail address! If M says you can't - just take NO notice - Brosnan usally does!

Mine is on Message to Gail on my 'page'.

smiley - fairy

No Subject

Post 6


You can usually reach me at [email protected] - I have a number of 'harping' aliases & I actually play it as well!

Look forward to hearing you - and as for 'M' - well, I shall fall back on Reg 16 of the old style FSOs, which I paraphrase (somewhat) freely - at the end of the day, it's down to the man on the spot!

smiley - biggrin

No Subject

Post 7


PS - the following may be of interest. The Vaughan entry would be:

Origin : Welsh
Arms: Black a chevron between three silver fleur de lys
Crest: An arm holding the fleur de lys

Motto: Non revertar inultus - I shall not return unavenged. (More likely translation - I am not completely useless!)

smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 8


PPS - motto is wrong, as is my e-mail addy. Latter should be [email protected]. - and if you want to know my revised IQ, it's OOO! Ah well, it was a great ceilidh on Friday - well worth the long trip to Skye, but the aftershocks continue ...

No Subject

Post 9

Scarlet Woman

00V! I think all the shaking and stirring is getting to you!

No wonder I could not post to you - I will try again!

smiley - fairy

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