This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 1


This humble person would respectfully ask that you pardon both him and (one of) his alter egos, the FNG David Vaughan, on MC-H, for his tardy response to your recent enquiry.

He also regrets the necessity - for the nonce - of classification.

The Powers-that-Be ( on whom be Peace ) may yet de-classify this inept one, but in the meantime, or until they let me upload a suitable image, felicitations, O Chelseaness, from one ... distant ... admirer.

smiley - bubbly

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Any Chelsea Girl loves a humble and abject apologist!

And your Seannachie-ness is made all the more exciting by the clear evidence (your 'classification') that you are a

SPY! smiley - borg

Note: there is no smiley (yet) - so I have gone with the tennis player - for you are surely a 'player' of 'The Great Game'!

I had you sussed as David Vaughan - but - what is this? - 'one' of your alto egos...? Running Dog it's not you ...Alan ... is it? No - well I just thought I'd ask! That's another game ... but please own up if you are Mr. S!

Cheers smiley - bubbly !

The Scarlet smiley - fairy Chelsea-ness

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 3


None of the above, I'm afraid. Just a Nettie who never strayed to the Beeb Board until I saw the magic words - 'Mornington Crescent'. David, bless him, really is a Seannachie of sorts, at least in this persona. I figured that you & possibly Peter would spot the similarities ...

Must go and see what's happened to that poor monk ...

smiley - bubbly


Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 4

Scarlet Woman


PLEASE be a Spy!

I am already so paranoid - I think you could be Alan or even Peter and/or Hostile 17....

It would be so much easier for a simple Chelsea Lass if you were double '0' something, Vaughan, David Vaughan - man of mystery - drinker of a good vintage, lover of any trollop that comes your way, (why is Bond so undiscerning!)....well let's face it, the only Bond any gal worth her salt would have gone for was Sean a stretch the Dalton i revealing a little too much...!

Akira, help me on this - unless it's you!

Let's see what is up with the Japanese Monk!

smiley - fairy

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 5


For you, m'dear, anything!

Don't ever worry about being paranoid - the only real question is, 'Am I being paranoid enough?'

And no, I am not, nor have I ever been Alan or Peter.

Like 007, I am (now) elderly, bearded and fond of a dram, but alas, he made more money than I. I however, have more hair!

Our friend the monk must now be deaf, as I returned from my watering hole - The Hidden Agenda - to find him still a-clanging furiously. (He must have left the Yak in reverse again ...]

Goodnight, Your Scarletude.

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 6

Scarlet Woman


There is nothing wrong with being a (now) elderly SPY!

You have experience... always attractive in a man - but pretty essential in a (w..h..i..s..p..e..r) spy...ssssshhh!

If you have not already been giving valuable advise to Mr. Brosnen - get in there 00V! You could make a mint - and I could offer a Seminar on persuasive techniques for use on (now) elderly spies!

Scarlet smiley - fairy

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 7


Greetings, O Heretofore Incarnandined One, from the (usually frozen, but now) flooded North!

I may take you up on the Seminar when I come down to see my sister in Purley ... if I can get the supercharger fitted to the Pacemaker in time.

I suppose I should admit to a fleeting accquaintance with Intel (though not as a chip) but SPY? One only uses the 'S' word when referring to one's opponents, old thing - we good chappies are Intelligence Agents / Officers although the standards seem to be dropping like... [I don't think the Moderators would like me to go there!]

On a more cyber-personal note, however, why the unseasonal topiary? Autumn, not to mention winter, is surely the time for a girl to keep her hair on ...

Whatever is to become of our seemly monk? Mycelium seems to have abandoned him ... but at least PL is taking a hand!

Good night, O Lock-Shorn One - may you swiftly be restored to your full Chelsea-ness!

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 8

Scarlet Woman

I have been shorn 00V 'cos I looked like a sheep in need of a good clipping!

And I'm shades of autumnal-ness because it's my natural state - I put blonde bits in for the summer - but they always look wrong when the tan fades! My other half says I look 10 years younger - what's he after I wonder....

How is Skye - I've never been there - wet I see.

I gather I've missed a good MC-H! day - phone was down - now back in Chelsea having been involved in a pile up on the M3 - may poor car is need of a good deal more than a cut and blow-dry! But you will be relieved to know that the Chelsea-ness is still in one piece!

smiley - fairy

Humble & Abject Apologies

Post 9


So there IS a God ... who'd have thought it. Cars are DANGEROUS when driven. I try not to drive, unless the bend is too inviting ...

Autumn is my favourite time of year ... I like the reds & golds and since I get about a bit in the far North & West, I see a lot of it.

Skye is wet, within & without, and it's been about five minutes without a nice large, cool malt. It's quite difficult to type English & listen to Gaelic ... before the third malt, that is.

I gather you also missed the brawl earlier ... Peter distinguished himself, but I was on the wrong end of a one way connection! Gagged! Forced to watch the attempted rape of our Sacred Precinct! Powerless!

Still, I'll be back on my usual perch tomorrow evening ... must go, briefly - they're starting to give me funny looks.

OOV ....

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