This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman


Post 1


smiley - smiley Hi CG, it does work, at first I thought smiley - grr it doesn't and then I thought smiley - erm I wondered and then smiley - doh it did and I thought smiley - wow


Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Hi to you my smiley - wizard friend!

I was off line last night and I was definitely smiley - grr.

But I was a bit smiley - yawn so I went to bed early.

Did you see that Micky the Hill put a post on the John M's Amina thread (in Lastest Messages) - and it doesn't seem to have been put on the actual board. I think he accuses us all of being racistsmiley - groan! But I could be wrong, after all I'm only a smiley - fairy
who talks a load of nonsense!

Bye Bye, the Scarletsmiley - fairyness!

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