This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

MC P Club

Post 1

Researcher 200703

Hi Chelsea. Its Alan (temporarily back in Running Dog form).

I'm retiring hurt today. If those mods keep pulling arbitrarily (small-mindedness rules OK?), I'm going to end up sending a rude email or something. Discretion is the better part of valour, heh?

Shame, cos that thread was beginning to sound a bit like the Goon show!


MC P Club

Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Hello You Multiple Personality you!

I agree - it was all going swimmingly - but I should be working too!

I have no idea why they suddenly took exception to things - we have said far worse in the past I have no doubt - must be a new Mod on with a strict M&D.smiley - grr

I may fly smiley - ufo out to Istanbul this afternoon to track down the musical Turkish sweet - I'll get a whole bucketful for the Mods too.

Adieu mon amie smiley - fairy

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