This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman


Post 1


hi my name is maria. chat


Post 2

Scarlet Woman

Maria - are you by any chance Running smiley - dog in despair at the Mods on MC-H!? smiley - cat = chat = I've got this all wrong havn't I?

Sorry Maria - I'll come and have a chat later!

smiley - fairy


Post 3

Scarlet Woman

Sorry Maria,

I realize I did get it COMPLETELY wrong! smiley - silly

17 in South Wales...I'm 42 in Dorset! How do they compare I wonder!

smiley - fairy


Post 4


Is that how you got to be called Scarlet Lady?

You're a Lady and you're blushing, blushing, blushing!!! smiley - biggrin


Post 5

Scarlet Woman

akira what are you on? smiley - zen

No doubt I'm missing a trick as well as a few marbles!

Did you get my e-mail re. Amina Lawal?

If not, and I think maybe not, as my chum who is at present in Afghanistan address got returned as lethal or something smiley - biggrin, I am going to post it on QQ - see if we can get the good listeners of R4 to do something for their fellow woman.

Better get to it...

Smoochies from the blushing Scarlet smiley - fairy

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