This is the Message Centre for Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

Don't panic...

Post 1

Floh Fortuneswell've been aced smiley - winkeye

My name is Floh and I am your ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here at h2g2.

ACEs are here to meet, greet, and assist new researchers, so if you have any questions:
please don't hesitate to ask by hitting the Reply-button at the end of this message, or you can leave a message on my space just by clicking on my name at the top of this message.

Some links you may find useful:

A317459 The h2g2-Tour
A632431 Dastardly's entry about the Jargon

To create Smileys like smiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - magicsmiley - roseyou can follow the link:
<./>Smiley</.> or simply click on them to get to their code-page.

I have even more links to conversations on my own space.

That should keep you busy for a while smiley - smiley I am sure that you will love this community.
There's lots of things to see, conversations to join and people to meet - please don't be shy - just jump right in - this is a friendly place.
But be careful - it can become quite addictive smiley - tongueout


Don't panic...

Post 2

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

just a few questions. What is the journal entries normaly used for. have taken a little peak around and havent seen much use of the feature.
How long does it take to get used to the guideML?
How do people put their own pictures (not just the ones h2g2 offers) on their page?

Sorry to pester you about this...

Don't panic...

Post 3

Floh Fortuneswell

That's my job smiley - smiley
Some researchers use their journal regularly, some of them never.
I think it depends on your experience with HTML and so on how long it takes.
It's not possible to add external pictures. smiley - sorry

Don't panic...

Post 4

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

I havent changed much, but I think I am figuring things out here! Thanks...

(is it too early to have developed an adiction?)smiley - erm

Don't panic...

Post 5

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

No - h2g2 addiction is often instant.
I spotted you out of the Online list due to your name, which is a touch similar to mine. That's fine - there's more than enough room for the both of us! smiley - smiley

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 6

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - biggrin
smiley - cheers

Don't panic...

Post 7

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

Sorry Whoami. I didnt mean to step on your toes or anything!

Don't panic...

Post 8

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Don't worry - I wasn't complaining or anything! smiley - smiley
What have you been up to on h2g2 recently?

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 9

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

I have just been poking around a little. Its only been about three weeks since I found h2g2. I like it here!! I have been reading some of the guide entries and have posted to a few conversations.

Don't panic...

Post 10

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I'm glad you like it! Which Edited Guide Entries have you read so far?
Have you checked out <./>ThePost</.>?

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 11

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

I only briefly looked at the post once. I have stumbeled on some deep poetry that I liked. I like to travel a lot so I have been digging through entries on places and things to do! I'll check the post out in more detail later today! Then there are interesting conversations..... There is just so much involvement in this online community! smiley - cool

Don't panic...

Post 12

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Well, you seem to be enjoying yourself! How did you stumble upon h2g2, anyhow?

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 13

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

I just happened to pick up a copy of the salmon of doubt at a book store. I read about this site and thought I might have to check it out sometime. So I did. Now here I am.

Don't panic...

Post 14

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - smiley That's a nice way to do it. Me, I stumbled upon it in a Google search for assignment reference material...

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 15

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

What reffrence were you looking for that you found this site in a search? I loved the Hitchhiker trilogy. I read them all several times. When I saw the salmon of doubt in barns and noble I just had to get it. Were you a Douglas Adams fan to boot? I would imagine just about everyone here is, but it dosnt seem to be a direct stipulation of the group.

Don't panic...

Post 16

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I was searching for information for a science prep - I forget what (it was over a year ago!) smiley - biggrin

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 17

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

You must just be a gifted internet surfer... I have looked for research materieal on the net and found lots of stuf, but nothing cool like this site.

smiley - cheers

Don't panic...

Post 18

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Nah - it just showed up on Google!

Whoami? smiley - cake

Don't panic...

Post 19

Who am I? I'll let you know as soon as I remember.

I have an instructor who suggested using Dogpile for searching for class related work. His exact words were "It might sound like a bunch of crap, but it turns up some great results."

smiley - winkeye

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