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happy birthday 2 me :0)

Post 1

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

well its not yet ne way but not that far off smiley - steam lol
its this tues (15th)
dont suppose u no wot its going to hold for me smiley - biggrin
things like ermmmm winning the lottery/finding sum money heheheehe
cant remember if iv spoke 2 u b4 hun
ne way im on ld as well u/name is
yes i no sad but its an old name n long story lol

happy birthday 2 me :0)

Post 2


hismiley - biggrin
if i knew how to win the lottery,id ave won it a long time ago!he hesmiley - laugh
anyhow ill do you a numerology reading,hopefully before your birthday!smiley - cake
been on nights and off to bed shortly
fallensmiley - angel

happy birthday 2 me :0)

Post 3

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

arrrr bless ya thanx 4 that hun smiley - biggrin
hope u have a good sleep

happy birthday 2 me :0)

Post 4


hi ESSEXgirlsmiley - laugh
heres your numerology reading for you,enjoy!
You often have really strong gut feelings about things,much of your wisdom comes from your inner self,and this sense of "knowing".You also possess a quick,active and perceptive mind and you are very intuitive.
With a 15/6 you are a communicator and you love to communicate your wisdom to others.You may also communicate by making speeches and you can explain things with great clarity.You may also communicate your wisdom simply by talking to the people you meet everyday and increase your knowledge by listening to them in turn.
You are a bright,witty and intellectual human being,perhaps you are described as a "people" person and you are stimulated by talking to many different types of people,of all ages.You are also adventurous and like to find new things to do,such as travelling to unusual destinations so that you can meet new people,see beautiful things and enhance your wisdom.
Generally you are fun loving and energetic,caring and warm.You like to feel happy-your family,work colleagues and social group.
With a 15/6 influencing your personality your life may swing from high to low from one minute to the next.This may be because your sensitivity causes you to suffer emotional imbalances.You have such a strong mind that you can easily influence situations with your thoughts and will.
You may sometimes be extremely self-centered and this may actually contribute towards creating extreme or negative situations in your life.You may be a perfectionist and have high ideals about how you want people and the world to be.
With a 15/6 you are very ambitious and headstrong,and you may become pushy in pursuit of your desires.You may be a person who likes to take on group responsibilities and to look after people in any way you can.However you may feel trapped and want to escape when you have taken on too much at times,but by using your logical mind and instincts you can learn to take on realistic commitments in your life.
You may attract the most intelligent,affluent and interesting people,but you still keep looking around for more.You love to dance the whole night through and to party until dawn with your romantic partner.
You are flirtatious,spontaneous and fun,people are drawn in by your animal magnetism.Your urge to satisfy your sexual instincts is great,and it is possible to find a partner who shares the same needs.
With a 15/6 influencing your relationships you like to explore your mind as much as your emotions and therefore finding a partner with whom you can exchange ideas,and who can stimulate you mentally,is important too.You are a generous person,once you have made a commitment you may fall deeply in love.You can be very romantic,and you may love to walk along the moonlit beach hand in hand,romantic drives through the country and picnics in the warm sunshine.
You may be prone to problems with your digestive system.You may also suffer from arthritis,blood-sugar imbalances and may be prone to emotional and mental stress sometimes.
You may work in the communications field;in public relations,advertising,marketing or sales for example.You can be a highly charged person,so you may be a singer,dancer,artist etc
lots of love fallensmiley - angel

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