This is the Message Centre for FALLENANGEL

Hiya hun

Post 1

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Listen,if you need help and you don't know what to do you could always try the Aces homepage and look for an Ace there.They have got a click on box there with a list of them.Just click on them til you find one who's online and ask.(thats what I do) smiley - laugh

Their page number is A214796 I know how frustrateing guide ml can be but the Ace's I've met have been great.

Good luck
smiley - chick

Hiya hun

Post 2


smiley - ta
Bin and left a msg 4 manda on there!ill be so chuffed when i finally get my page done!!smiley - flyhi
smiley - cheers
fallensmiley - angel

Hiya hun

Post 3

The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District

Its great when you get your main page done,unfortunately I keep adding bits to mine smiley - laugh

I think I've got about 8 pages now smiley - laugh and an entry for the guide will soon be finished,it's in writing workshop at the mo.
This h2g2 grows on you once you get the hang of it.
Have fun,your page is looking goodsmiley - ok
smiley - chick

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