This is the Message Centre for FALLENANGEL


Post 1


hello fallen angel. ruffylove here. it helps to be mad if you use l.d. lol. everybody definately need a sense of humour in the chat rooms lol.


Post 2

ESSEXgirlie..aka ex pat of that great leader in the sky LEISURE DISTRICT..

hiya just thought id join in just this once smiley - biggrin
coe more lder`s coming out of the closet lol.
smiley - wow
fallen angel...smiley - wow sum1 nutter than me for once hehehehe

hope to here from ya both soon smiley - cheers
if u wanna go2 my space n leave a new thread cos we all know wot happens after a 12 thread lol.

smiley - footprintssmiley - run

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