This is the Message Centre for SAMARKAND

Dan Dan the Telewest Man

Post 1

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Have you been repaired? As you can tell at the mo I only post from work on my 60Gb PC which is most impressive. I hope you enjoyed you 'trip away'. That used to be a euphenism for going to prisonsmiley - run

Dan Dan the Telewest Man

Post 2


Not repaired. yet so its a replay.Me in prison? Well if you call work a prison ?Ive managed to access this which is a MIRACLE so its nice to see a message from you! Do you like Jeff Buckley, Eve Cassidy or Nick Drake. Not many have heard of Nick Drake, singer/songwriter cos he died young in the 70s but there was a big revival in the mid 90s Unusual but I like his songs/lyrics,`

Dan Dan the Telewest Man

Post 3

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I often get stick for being a fan of mad Bob Smith:but do you like anyone who is actually still alivesmiley - ghost Don't really know much about Jeff Buckley but if he was anything like his Dad then sensitive and esoteric spring to mind. I know from speaking to my cousin that Telewest are secretly a bit worried about some of the technical difficulties that are arising but if I do go there I shall make it a priority to sort out said googly box. Does this thing have a keyboard? I often run home from work, I find it relaxes me no end, and last night I was at times calf-deep in water and am surprised I haven't got a cold. I think I must be fortified by all thesmiley - tea and digestives I have at work!

Dan Dan the Telewest Man

Post 4


Hello Nice to hear from you and nice to be able to reply Me on my keyboard Yeah Not a music one though. Ive heard TIm Buckley but dont rate him as much as Jeff (died in a swimming accident so only ever made one album) but I do like Tims Song to the Siren Makes the hairs on my neck stand on end.I like classical muzak too. Got into collectiong "vintage vinyl" sort of on ehalf of a friend who was spending megabucks on "collectors" albums and I found I could get some of them at jumble sales etc so I took a crash course via readinng Mojo magazine the vintage vinyl "bible" and Ive seen some bands/singers Ive never come across in my life Have youever come across Deep Purple away from their usual image doing "The Butterfly Ball"`
Do you have any fave books you keep going back to. Im very fond of James Clavells "Shogun"and a novel by Vikram Seth "A Suitable Boy" about India and Hanif Kurieshi especially THe Buddha of Suburbia"

Postman Pat

Post 5

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Do you know that we bought the rights to PP a few years back? We are proud of him as he is the only profit-making thing we have. I think books are dependant on your age. Stendhal is great for a teenager but a bit too Mills & Boon when your at the Zimmer-age like me. Scott Fitzgerald I have never gone off(unlike Hemmingway) but his work reflected the changes in him which is good. Raymond Chandler always - yes the seedy Detective writersmiley - stiffdrink .Speaking off which, what is your job, are you also a Private Dick, Seamus or Flatfoot? I hope not, because apparantly people in that line mostly do debt-collection which is not particularly Romantic. I know I've seen it a zillion times before but I watched Star Wars again last night. Why? I think I know all the lines. I keep waiting for Alec Guinness to turn around and say hello to me. I shall watch them all again, and enjoy them. Shazblat!

Postman Pat

Post 6


Postman Pat??Mot sure if Ive butted in on another conversation youre having, THird Man. THe Zimmer age? Dont tell me youve fallen for all the commercial This is a world for the under 20s 25s only!! THere s a lot of it about and its destructive to people. Scott Fitzgerald is a big fave/rave of mine. His own life with wife Zelda is in most of his stories but have you read THEIR life story and how she was so jealous, she wrote a book called Save me the Waltz and took up ballet at 30 just to be more of a celeb than Scott I feel D H Lawrence is of the sam e genre and both F Scott Fitzg & DH Lawrence were John Keats fans (so am I) Today I got my DIVORCE from Telewest!!FREEEDOM shortly THen Ill get B>Telecom and get my pc back on the Internetagain So things is lookin up Have a nice DAY!!

Postman Pat

Post 7

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

The reason I have a PP thing is that I work for the Post Office and we used to have his picture on a lot of the stuff in our building. Now he has been removed and replaced by Steve Redgrave with uplifting titles like "They said it was impossible" to spur us all on. Personally, I preferred Postman Pat.
Yeah, poor Scott & Zelda. I think Scott's breakdown was self-induced but Zelda was born that way. In a relationship one person always loves the other more and sometimes that is taken advantage of.smiley - grovel I think Zelda was quite cruel to him. On their first trip to Paris, when they had only been married a few years, Zelda had an open affair with a French flyer and Scott, who was already fond of his booze, took to drinking very hard. It became too much of a crutch for him. I also think he analysed things too much. Tender is the Night (is that from a Keats poem?) was too close. But you've got to admire the man's honesty. He never understood why his novels, which he was very proud of, were dismissed whils't his short stories, which he thought of as disposable money earners, were loved. He was writing about poetry and said it either burned like a passion or you just plain hated it. I wonder if he ever read Robert Frost.
Glad to see you back with the living and the net/Pc connection. It is the only way to travel. I'm debating with myself whether to run home in this glorious weather or do a Philip Marlowe and go and sit in the corner of some seedy dive with a drink or two.smiley - headhurts

Postman Pat

Post 8


Hi! Well Postman Pat I hope you (and your black and white cat) have a nice evening be it havin a drink or sunbathing! Ill reply now This box must know it is CONDEMNED cos it never lets mr on at this time PC gets re connected on the 20th so Ill be properly in contact with the virtual universe then.`
Yeah Zelda had that hereditary Southern belled madness/hysteria Have you ever seen a play A Streetcar Named Desire Blanch duBois a sort of Zelda type John Keats is one of my top fave poets as is TS Eliot Im not into detective/crime stories Mind you I think the artistic temperament(re Scott Fitzgerald) lend to imbalance be it author or artist for if you look at their cv s not ALL but many had problems

Deja Vu?

Post 9

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Hiya Sami! I'm still here with my electronic funny money. But Kim Hunter who played Stanley Kowalski's wife, Stella, on stage and screen died today. Strange you mentioning it. As for Telewest condemn and move on. My cousin works for them in technical support and he had a conversation yesterday with one of the customers that went something like.
Customer: What do I do now?
Kuz: Press any key.
Two minutes silence followed by:
Customer: I can't find it.
Kuz: Find what?
Customer: The NE key.
I'm not certain I have the patience for that job.
Talking on Kim Hunter, unfortunately she will probably be remembered by most for the Planet of the Apes films. But she was in one of my fave all time films 'A Matter of Life and Death' It was a Powell and Pressburger film with David Niven in the lead role and was simply superbsmiley - wah

Deja Vu?

Post 10

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I'm offsky and I'M gonna runsky.Just a meeemo to say I'm not mad about Tec Novels. I only like Raymond Chandler & Morse. Probably because they have interesting and intelligent characters. So it's smiley - run time1
PS As you like Eliot, what do you think of the Quartets?


Post 11

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I've just been told I'm being sent to Cornwall for a week. I must have annoyed someone. What's this about one of your LDers spamming up the works Sami. Are you now entering into Geurilla Warfare.
Someone has written a very interesting piece on Keats. You should read it. It's hanging out at ="A813963" John Keats' Negative Capability


Post 12


Hiya Got your mules barrels & seaboots for the Cornish Smugglers Trip?? Whats the contraband If duty free parfum gimmme sum!!& watch out for King Georgess men all dessedin blue & red etc Well hope the sun shines`
SAM? Thats new but I kinda like it Yeah We re all spamming & jamming up the works`
I had a good giggle at your kuz/customer & the NE key When this hing jams I press evry key Irrespective Bachs Irritted Exasperated Fugue in Telewst CDEFGH Sharp flat major minor Who cares??`
Well Friday is pc day So I can carry on less dislocated conversations I shall certainly LZOAOK at what an h2g2 member sez about John Keats but it better be good or he*ll have Scott Fitgeralds angry ghost to contend with Scott Fitz loved OZde to a Nightingale (and so do I) Happy Cornish cream buns!


Post 13

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I've read Jamaica Inn, Moonfleet and Westward Ho! I think this should give me a pretty accurate idea of what's waiting for me. As for the revenue men I'll have at them with me cutlass if they get in the way of the Parson's drop of brandy.smiley - cheers

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