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ungodly coffee
Posted Sep 5, 2002
if, as they say, 'cleanliness is next to godliness', then i think satan just made himself a coffee. i just faced a quadruple whammy of encrustulated nozzle, unemptied handle, flooded grinder tray and smeggy sink. i suggest that, in the unlikely event that beelzebub wasn't directly responsible for this turpitude, whichever of his toady minions perpetrated this heinous misdeed shall mend their ways or shortly be despatched (in a summary gangland-style execution) to join the prince of darkness in the fiery underbelly of hell.
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Latest reply: Sep 5, 2002
oiled bunions
Posted Aug 28, 2002
today the office smells of boiled onions, thanks to some soup, bought by james, which apparently most closely resembles "liquidised slurry" or "water with a few bits floating in it",
"like the soup you get at shelters for the homeless" he says; i'm not sure how he knows about this, but, sensing my doubts, he volunteers the information "from my student days". anyway the smell is overpowering and several other employees are lying prostrate beneath their desks. soon i too am experiencing dizzy spells.
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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2002
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