This is the Message Centre for Scandal (See Pres for details)

not aced

Post 1


As you've been here for years in different disguises I shouldn't need to tell you anything about the site smiley - winkeye

I'm now unofficially not aceing you by saying hello. I see that Tonto has been and ACEd you already so no need there.

Have fun digging the dirt and riffling through the contents of binbags in your search for scandal.

not aced

Post 2

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Oh I know where to find scandal don't you worry, it's all been pointed out to me. But thanks for coming to say hi anyway, it was getting a bit lonely over here, of course once my finds are published in the post this place should get several visitors but for the mean time I think I'll just have to concentrate on confusing people who don't know who I am.

not aced

Post 3

Post Team

Someone mention The Post? smiley - winkeye

not aced

Post 4

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Indeed I did, I was just about to email you infact! I wish to submit a scandalous news story in a tabloid exposee kind of way, do you mind? Hope not as it's currently being written.

By the way, am I talking to Shazz or Pastey? Just so I know who to email my gossip to.

not aced

Post 5

Post Team

'Tis I - Leclerc'
... well, shazz actually.

Pastey handles the tech issues more whereas Greebo and I handle content. smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

not aced

Post 6

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Ok then, Peregrins been given 7 days to protest his innocence, technically until the next issue of the post if you agree to help? Anyway we're going to expose his scandalous political affairs and then once he's impeached a new president will be elected (i.e me) failing that someone else will be elected but either way we'll suceed.

not aced

Post 7

Post Team

Hmmmmm - who do you have in mind for running these august elections this time? I'm not sure if the Post Team have the time and resources, unfortunately.

shazz smiley - magic

not aced

Post 8

Scandal (See Pres for details)

Well as a responsible and upstanding member of the community I'm sure I could do it?

not aced

Post 9

Post Team

If you need any tips just ask - the last one was a masterpiece of tact and mediation! smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - magic

not aced

Post 10

Scandal (See Pres for details)

I could just save the bother and take over from his presidency?

not aced

Post 11

Post Team

As intern - sorry - interim Prez?
Possible, possible - would you be able to fulfil the duties he has so blatently abused recently?

shazz smiley - magic

not aced

Post 12

Scandal (See Pres for details)

I suppose that would depend which duties you're referring to? The abuse of power had never crossed my mind however I'd be fully willing to take over his complete presidential duties.

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