This is the Message Centre for Fish's Freak

Only 364 days to go...

Post 1

Fish's Freak

...'till next Christmas. My, I can hardly wait. smiley - sadface

So did everyone have a good Christmas? Manage not to burn the turkey? Rescue that last bottle of wine from Uncle Pete before he got completlely paralytic? Escape the smiley - mistletoe? Jolly Good. smiley - smiley

So what about the pressies? This year mine ranged from useless, through bizarre, to mildly offensive. Nah, I did get some good stuff too, but there's only so much soap a girl can use in one year. smiley - erm On the plus side, I now smell like mangoes. smiley - wow Well, at least they remembered about not eating smiley - choc (too much, that is... smiley - erm). I also got an ironing board, which means I can no longer get away with looking scruffy all the time. Ah, such is life.

And why would my friend give me a teddy bear in a crib? smiley - erm I'm slightly scared to ask her actually.

Anyway, I was right about what my best present was. smiley - biggrin So big thanks to the dude who sent it to me. smiley - smileysmiley - hugsmiley - smooch

And is it too much to ask that my boyfriend would send me a 'happy christmas' text? smiley - cross Tch, men.

Well, hope everyone else had a great Christmas, and can find something to occupy themselves with between now and new year. smiley - smiley

Only 364 days to go...

Post 2

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Why yes, I got the most sacred of all gifts; a PSP. smiley - bigeyes

Only 364 days to go...

Post 3

Fish's Freak

Woo-hoo. I still wouldn't trade my GBA, though (it looks like a SNES! smiley - wow). Is your PSP enriching your life?

Only 364 days to go...

Post 4

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

But of course. smiley - biggrin Why last night at my grandmother's house I was playing it all evening while they watched dull christmas shows on TV. Normally I would have been bored out of my mind. Plus, if I were to ever make a trip to a foreign country, I could use it to watch videos on the train. smiley - smiley

Now I just have to learn how to get it to interface with my PC so that I can get a picture from it to put as my PSP wallpaper.

Only 364 days to go...

Post 5

Fish's Freak

What are you gonna put as the wallpaper? Actual wallpaper? Heh, the irony. smiley - biggrin

Only 364 days to go...

Post 6

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Well my actual wallpaper is blue, so if I wanted that then I could just set the PSP to blue background. Seems like a waste of space to me. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 7

Fish's Freak

Yeah... You could have a picture of yourself! How cool would that be! smiley - wow

Only 364 days to go...

Post 8

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Yeah, but you'd need a really big ego for that. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 9

Fish's Freak

Which you don't have, obviously. smiley - winkeye

Only 364 days to go...

Post 10

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Of course not. smiley - biggrin

Only 364 days to go...

Post 11

Fish's Freak

smiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - laughsmiley - brave Ah, you crack me up sometimes. smiley - smileysmiley - tongueout

Only 364 days to go...

Post 12

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

It's a gift. smiley - smiley

I would have prefered the ability to read minds though. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 13

Fish's Freak

Maybe you just need practice. smiley - smiley

Only 364 days to go...

Post 14

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I tried it on my father and it doesn't work. I couldn't sense anything. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 15

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

maybe he has no mind to read

Only 364 days to go...

Post 16

Fish's Freak

Maybe you weren't trying hard enough. Here try it on me... *concentrates on projecting thoughts into Ben's mind*

Only 364 days to go...

Post 17

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

No, all I'm getting is a mess of Doctor Who fantasies, at least some of which are mine. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 18

Fish's Freak

smiley - erm What, even the one about... Uh, nah, let's not go there. smiley - flustered

But if you're having fantasies where you get to be Rose, I'd be worried about you. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 19

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I'd be very worried indeed. smiley - erm

Only 364 days to go...

Post 20

Fish's Freak

smiley - biggrin So if you're picking up on my thoughts, are you seeing a daydream where you're the Doctor and I'm Rose? Or are you K9? smiley - erm

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