This is the Message Centre for Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

Black Holes

Post 1


Hi Interstuber!

I've just finished subedited your entry 'Black Holes' and am going to return it to the Editors in the next few days for final polishing. The subbed copy is at A1112176. Before I return it, are there any final changes that you'd like me to make to it? smiley - smiley

I look forward to seeing it on the front page! smiley - biggrin


Black Holes

Post 2


*adds an 'r' to make that 'Intersturber'* smiley - sorry


Black Holes

Post 3


Returned. It should appear on the <./>FrontPage</.> soon! smiley - ok


Black Holes

Post 4

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

Thanx, sorry for my lapse, I've been on this planet physically but not mentally. Preparing for a certain return to a certain learning-based campus to become that certain well known form of bored for a few more semesters.

Black Holes

Post 5


No problem. smiley - ok


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