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50% peace
Norm de p'Loom Started conversation Sep 30, 2002
Peace has suddenly broken out amonst 50% of my offspring! An eery, unnerving silence has fallen over daughter number one's room. Yes, she has left for University! Now is my chance, I can fill skips full of videos, film magazines, fantasy gaming stuff. (Just kidding if you are reading this my treasure...)
Should I warn Norwich? Hmm. Probably too late, she has been there a week already. Oh well, never mind.
50% peace
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Oct 13, 2002
Don't you just hate the silence?
I have two sons, one 19 {now} and one 9 {now}
The older moved out last January, to lodge with his older sister who is married.
He couldn't live with his younger half-sibling any longer, even though he is just like he was at that age......
I couldn't stand my old house without the adult sibling population, so I've sold it & bought my retirement bungalow - a little early for me & my little lad.
I envy you that you are still with your first love.
Mine died of cancer at age 19.
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