Journal Entries

owlys wedding anniversary

what a start to our eighth year i get up late have a nose bleed and rush outta the house . i didnt have time to open my card smiley - wah

and before you ask no my wife didnt punch me in the nosesmiley - laugh

so all is good in my world its like a bed of smiley - roses

andysmiley - bat

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2003

owlys wedding anniversary

what a start to our eighth year i get up late have a nose bleed and rush outta the house . i didnt have time to open my card smiley - wah

and before you ask no my wife didnt punch me in the nosesmiley - laugh

so all is good in my world its like a bed of

andysmiley - bat

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2003

a request from owlatron!!

its me yet again your probably getting sick of me now but when my space was wiped the convos for the last 2-3 weeks had been wiped aswell so if you can help me out yet again by sending me links to any convos i would appreciate it smiley - sorry for being a nuisance!!

andysmiley - bat

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Latest reply: May 17, 2003

owlys back !!!

well folks i had a back-up page where i had copied the info so a little tweaking here and there and service should be back to normal
thanks for the support of my true friendssmiley - hugs and smiley - cuddles all round!!

andysmiley - bat

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Latest reply: May 15, 2003

owlatron appologizes

if any of my friends out there recieved any filthy messages on there personal space i can only appologize as i stupidly clicked on remember me to this computer and some idiot apart from trashing my personal space also posted disgusting messages smiley - sorry

andysmiley - bat

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Latest reply: May 15, 2003

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