This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

Hi from Titania

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*

Hi there - nice to see you still frequenting h2g2! Having a 6-digit researcher number sort of makes you an 'oldie' on h2g2 now - those who have signed up more recently get researcher numbers with 7 digits!smiley - yikes

Anyway, I recently stumbled over a thread started by a new researchers - and found that he's 84 years old! Now, he could be young at mind, but it could also be that he might think there are only 'young' people around at h2g2... I was wondering if I could interest you in paying him a visit to show that we are indeed a very mixed bunch, in age as well as interests, nationality, ideoligies, opinions... you name it.

Here he is: U1896997

And here is the conversation I stumbled over:

Hi from Titania

Post 2

Ancient Brit

smiley - ok Titania - Contact made.

Hi from Titania

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thank you!smiley - smiley

Hi from Titania

Post 4

Ancient Brit

Just hope that if he does respond he presses the right button.smiley - biggrin

Hi from Titania

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh, that...smiley - blush

Considering that Jim Lynn has disabled the conversation search for the time being, this must mean that you've been saving the link - eh, should I be worried about that?smiley - tongueout

Hi from Titania

Post 6

Ancient Brit

Not at all. It was an early encounter that I recorded here on an early copy of My Space - F93527?thread=228776
As you spotted quite early in my h2g2 learning curve I am rather pedantic and methodical in my ways.smiley - cheers

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