This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

A Favour

Post 1

Florida Sailor All is well with the world


Could I ask you to do me a favour?

The next time you talk to Pinniped, could you just mention that I asked about him?

I hope he is well, I think I understand why he left here, but I do miss his insight.

He was always a breath of fresh air, and I think we understood each other too wellsmiley - biggrin

I do hope he is well and enjoying life.

smiley - sorry to intrude, but I know you will be it touch with him - let me add that it is good to see that you are still around and active heresmiley - ok

F smiley - dolphin S

A Favour

Post 2

Ancient Brit

I'll do that. Hope to see him next week. I'll take my iPad with me, he can reply via my space if he wants to stay clear.
I miss him too in this environment. He introduced me to this place. smiley - ok

A Favour

Post 3

Ancient Brit

Spoke with Pinniped, He remembers you well and sends his regards, saying that I was to tell you that he is fit and well and getting what he wants out of life.
I can't see him returning to h2g2 any time soon.
My Regards also Ancient Brit. smiley - cheers

A Favour

Post 4

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

smiley - cheers
I understand.

Thankssmiley - ta

F smiley - dolphin S

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