This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

HN calling AB

Post 1


Hi. Regarding our exchange in the 'alive and kicking' thread, I started a thread on Askh2g2 about blogging. I'm aware of a few of us who blog rather openly and a few more who prefer to keep separate identities for h2g2 and their other online writing activities.

It might be helpful for both h2g2's online visibility and the individual researcher-bloggers were I to compile a list or make a h2g2 group, if one doesn't already exist.

HN calling AB

Post 2

Ancient Brit

smiley - ok HN,
I'm relatively new to Twitter and Blogging. I understand direct contact can be made in both web sites and they use email to do it, at the same maintaining anonymity. I have AncientBrit as my user name in both.
How easy would it be for you and I to communicate independent of h2g2 without knowing our respective email addresses ?
I am sure a list linking researchers to their Twitter and Blogger URLS.

HN calling AB

Post 3

Ancient Brit

Add 'would be of interest.' to the last sentence of previous post.

HN calling AB

Post 4


Well, you already follow me on twitter, so for us specifically communication is pretty easy. Just begin your tweet with an @ in front of my twitter handle, and I'll see it. And so will anyone else who follows both of us, such as 2legs.

But for any two h2g2 researchers in general, communications depends on one of them sharing some information with the other. Some researchers keep their h2g2 identities separate from their other online identities, so I'm trying to make sure that I respect their wishes.

HN calling AB

Post 5

Ancient Brit

I had no idea that I was following you on twitter, having just gone there and clicked a few bottons when I saw reference to h2g2.
I found your blog from your personal space having gone there following this post
F77636?thread=8010317&latest=1#p107425870 .
I have now revisited your space again and picked up your twittering link. smiley - smiley

HN calling AB

Post 6

Ancient Brit

Put a message in a bottle :-

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