This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit


Post 1

A T Hun

I hope i don't sound like a Dick(USAspeak I believe) ever. Because I never mean to. That's the main thing I don't like about communicating this way. I don't even like talikg on the phone. I guess I'm a "personal" sort of guy. I don't know what that means, best I could put it.
smiley - winkeye
And my nom de plume, it pains me that it is always taken the wrong way, expected though. ;^) used it since, methinks 1995.
Didn't you're mother ever say, "Get those filthy creatures out of my house." smiley - biggrin
Or, "Get out of my kitchen you filthy creatures!".
smiley - winkeye
Do it, in your head(the voice), of Graham Chapman or John Cleese when they played those ladies.
smiley - ale
I think you might know what I mean.
me tired now after that


Post 2

Ancient Brit

smiley - ok A T Hun - I'm not sure that you have got to where you want to be and what it is you are after.
I certainly have no interest whatsoever in Filthycreatures. My reaction would be very similar to your mothers. smiley - smiley


Post 3

A T Hun

Hi, sometimes I don't remember to check more conversations for posts. Anyways, I'm sort of new here. Gettin caufgt up on things.
smiley - wah
sorry, to tell the truth, don't actually remember what I said about my mother at the moment. ... It's on the tip of my brain. I think.


Post 4

Ancient Brit

Post 1 Implied that you mothers reaction was "Get those filthy creatures out of my house." Or, "Get out of my kitchen you filthy creatures!".
I lost interest when I saw :-


Post 5

A T Hun

Yeah, many people don't like worms. Composting too much work for most people. Oh, and most people don't like Rock against Drugs.

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